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Sugar Track & Candy Pet not available



  • rawansous
    rawansous Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I thought that candy crush would be more fun when all the world are setting at home from the covid19 and that it will attract more people to soend time playing the game but it was disappointing taking away the candy drops which make the game boring! Also I thought that you will give us new levels every day or every other day but also no !

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to this community There are currently unlimited lives for players. A lot of work is being done to improve something. That's why I'm giving you the link. And in the ideas area you can vote that it will be implemented.

    Good Luck

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,488

    45 new levels are added every Wednesday. Unfortunately, without the build-a-bot feature working for past levels and the sugar drop feature, it is quite difficult to complete 45 levels each week. We need some help from the CCS team, especially while we are stuck at home to evade the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited April 2020

    Welcome to the forum, newcomer.

    You're a bit late to the party that never stops, but that's not a problem.

    Read the first post here to find out what's going on, then vote here & here (if you wish); maybe make a difference.

    Will it actually make a difference?

    Hell, no!

    But many others have voted (& it's still open), so why not?

  • B-2
    B-2 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    If I don't have the opportunity to earn (not buy) more boosters, other than the daily spin and calendar, I can not pass these upper, 6,000+ levels. Unlimited lives is not helping because I don't need to play all day. I just need to pass levels from time to time when I do choose to play. Being stuck is not fun at all, being stuck more than a day or 2 is really frustrating....quit worthy, actually!

    Passing levels gives us joy! Help us out, King!

  • Mary_Kay
    Mary_Kay Posts: 1,403

    I miss the sugar drops. I miss the challenge of collecting twice a day. I miss playing several levels. With unlimited lives I just play the same level over and over until I get a good board and some luck. No reason to play any other levels and that makes the game boring.

  • Marion_Walton
    Marion_Walton Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Very boring without boosters might as well not bother playing. All you want is players to spend on boosters shame on you 😈😠😤

  • Lakshmi_Rv
    Lakshmi_Rv Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Its waste to spend time in playing without sugar candy... i wanna going to quit playing..i am level 4708

  • bb1
    bb1 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I cannot collect candies anymore to get boosters. Will that be changed when the 24 hour inlimited lives will end? Otherwise the game makes no fun because you can't pass the levels anymore. I want the old game back and no unlimited lives 😡

  • Wendydj1
    Wendydj1 Posts: 0


    What a rotten thing to do! Removing sugar drops when we are in lockdown! A lot of my friends no longer play because of this and I intend to join them 😤

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