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Why cant I this and that....

AprilRose Posts: 5

Level 2

edited May 2020 in Support

Why cant I re-set the board? Why can’t I play old levels for boosters? Where did the sugar drops go? Why doesnt the bot stay full even if i lose one game..not only do you only get a stripe when starting to fill the bot but if i actually accumulate a few levels in a row and fill my bot you lose the whole thing if you lose a level?? Why when I use a free spin and still want to play on does it cost me 16 bars?? Shouldnt it be 10 bars? Otherwise its not a free spin it costs me 10 bars.. I am very unhappy with all the updates.. used to be fun.. now its not.. i’m gonna have to find some other games.. i wont be spending a penny on this one anymore..



  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited May 2020

    Hello there, welcome to the forum.

    You're a bit late to the party that never stops, but that's OK.

    Read the first posts here & here to find out what's happening, then click here & here (if you wish) to read all about how the opinions/votes of a multitude of players get stifled in order to perpetuate the greed & profit of King/Activision Blizzard.

    And if someone comes round later with the following script (some features have been removed from the game and some changes have been made to improve the game), don't fall for it...

  • AprilRose
    AprilRose Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I’m sorry i dont think comments are “late”

    i’m entitled to express them when I want.. didnt realize my comments needed to be in a timely matter.. i have read the comments and votes and a new bubblegum feature.. just wanted to put my issues out there.. i know they wont do anything to fix it.. i also wanted to know why after a free spin it costs me 16 bars.. not 10.. was hoping to get an explanation.. thanks for getting back to me

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited May 2020


    I’m entitled to express them when I want...

    Absolutely; this place is 24/7/365 (+1 this year), after all.

    But that other stuff you were referring to has been going on for a few months now, so maybe a bit late for those.

    But you want to know about the free spin/play on after losing a level, eh?

    You play on (for 10 gold bars) the first time & get five more moves (or spin the wheel for 7 & get whatever from that); but if you don't get it done & choose the extra moves for a second time (same game), then it goes up to 16 gold (der Spieler has also seen this).

    And it probably increases each time in that case (not gonna try it personally!); but you can probably chalk that up to King trying to extract whatever they can out of players who are trying to progress, like this other player (bless her ♥)...

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.

    You will find detailed information about the changes here.

    Thank you.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    Hi @AprilRose !

    Regarding the Extra Moves Wheel, only the first spin is free, but after that the price for a spin is displayed on the wheel.

    When a price is displayed, it means that the spin is not free. You can wait out the time to get another free spin again.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @AprilRose Nice rant fair few people unhappy with all these changes but it is what it is now, they have already confirmed they not going to reverse these decisions, best hope now is they bring out some features that improve the game to somewhere that we were all used too, as this has gone to far the other way

  • AprilRose
    AprilRose Posts: 5

    Level 2

    My question is about “winning a free move”

    I understand when you want to “play on” its 10

    bars then 16 bars then 25 bars for 5 extra moves.. or extra time on a bomb.. but every few days you can spin the wheel and try and win free moves.. sometimes you get 5 moves.. sometimes 15 moves.. sometimes its just a booster.. lets say i win 5 moves and still didnt finish the board and want to play on.. it “costs” me 16 bars.. shouldnt it be 10 bars? Its been “costing” 16 bars which means the spin wasnt free.. it was 10 bars.. am I missing something?

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    Sorry for butting in -

    @AprilRose If you take a free spin it counts the same as if you had bought a spin (7GB) so the cost of further moves will go up.

    Are you saying that it is taking 10 extra bars whenever you take a free spin?

  • AprilRose
    AprilRose Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Yes thats what i’m saying.. i understand that playing on costs 10 bars..16 bars..etc.. but I assumed a free spin was free.. and if i “won” extra moves and still didnt finish the board and then want to play on,it would start at 10 bars.. but its not . its 16 bars.. so the free spin isnt really free.. its 10 bars to get extra moves or a booster.. whatever.. they have changed so much and took so much away.. its not even fun anymore but thank you for responding..

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308

    Yep, free spins are once in 48:00; unless ya get the purple wheels, but ya gotta have a mobile device (& be part of that particular guinea pig test group) to get 'em...

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