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ZoeWalt Posts: 12 Level 2

Thanks for this email. Perhaps you can help me. A week or two ago, I was having trouble with the game and/or my phone; it was black. I shut down the phone a few times, to see if that would luck. As a last resort, I thought I could uninstall the game, reinstall to the current level (had had success, previously, doing this with another game, Jewel Mania) luck. When I did reinstall, I was back to the first game.

I'm not sure how long I played Crush but I know I was a few games away from Level 3400; if it could be reinstalled to the same level, that would be great. Otherwise, I had a great run with it and enjoyed it immensely.

Thank you.




  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,047 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    Can it be that you post from Candy Crush? Because you're here in Candy Friends. Please note that your game matches the specific page. You could get mixed up. thank you Here is a link and hope it helps you. A note from me: Please always look for a 100% internet or WiFi connection. Check for updates and update your game and clear the cache. Damir there are fewer problems. This is important!!

    Good luck


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,542 Candy Moderator

    Hello Luanne @ZoeWalt Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    I am sorry to hear that you are having issue with your game!

    I need a clarification please! The current issue you are having with game -- are you still having the "Black Screen" issue? OR is it that you have lost the level progress?

    What device are you using? Also, did you save the game (before reinstalling) through Facebook OR Kingdom account?

    Can you please post back these details, so that I can be of further assistance to you? You can simply type your reply in the comment box given below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍫 🍫

  • ZoeWalt
    ZoeWalt Posts: 12 Level 2

    Good morning, PummyRaj.

    The device I'm using is a Samsung G4 and unfortunately, I don't believe I saved the game in either venue.

    Since the "black screen" a couple of weeks ago, I haven't encountered it again. To be fair, I did have some apps that I thought may be contributing to phone issues (seemed to take longer to charge, seemed to not hold a charge like before, etc.) so I deleted those (Facebook, which I can access at work, CNN, a couple others).

    When I re-installed Candy Crush, I thought it would open to the last level I was on (I was a few games from level 3400). However, when I started the app, it started at level 1.

    Hope this is information that is helpful. Luanne

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,542 Candy Moderator

    Hello dear Luanne @ZoeWalt 😃

    Yes! The information you gave above is perfect and completely enough to understand the issue 👌

    First of all, I am very glad to hear that the "Black Screen" issue is not happening any more! And also good to know that "Facebook" App can be one of the causes of the issue (Thank you for this info, which I did not know till now 🙏)

    Now with regards to the game progress ---> Because you have not saved the game through either of these sources, when you have reinstalled it, the App did not recognize you as returning player and hence, put you on level 1.

    But, no need to worry and you do not have to stop playing the game too. King "Player Support Team" can help you with restoring your game level progress. But, only thing they cannot do is, give you the high scores that you have achieved before. They can only restore all those previous levels with 2 Stars. I think you will be OK with it, right?

    Please head to this link posted by one of our Community Managers ---> Restore Level Progress

    Once you go there, scroll down all the way to the part where you see a Red Wrapped Candy 😄 And follow the steps posted there to save the game AND to restore your game progress.

    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Hope you will get back into your game soon to enjoy it again! Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍫 🍫

  • ZoeWalt
    ZoeWalt Posts: 12 Level 2

    You rock!! Thank you. Not worried about stars, etc. Just loved playing the game.

  • ZoeWalt
    ZoeWalt Posts: 12 Level 2

    So how long should one wait to hear back from the Community Managers?

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 34,542 Candy Moderator

    Hello again dear @ZoeWalt Welcome Back 🤗

    Did you follow the steps that were suggested and send a complaint / note through the link I gave in my above comment?

    If so, did you receive any automated email from them as an acknowledgement?

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend


    If you still cannot get your levels restored i will tag @Crazy Cat Lad he will be able to manually restore your levels. he will need you to post your game ID. Also he will only answer in his work hours so you may have to be patient

  • ZoeWalt
    ZoeWalt Posts: 12 Level 2

    Thank you, Pummyraj and Freddy. I did follow the instructions from Pummyraj to the red candy and sent an email to support; still haven't heard back from them.

    Also, Freddy, when I followed your recommended post, I can tell you I never saved anything to Facebook or my email. Never saw the need to (hindsight is 20/20, though, isn't it).

    As I said to Pummyraj in an earlier post, after experiencing issues with my phone (screen went black during the game and no matter what I tried, nothing would change) I thought if I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, I'd be back to the level I was on (I had had this happen with another game, with success). Unfortunately, when the game loaded, I saw that I was back to the start. If Crazy Cat Lad could help, that would be great. In my email to support, I told them I was 5 or 6 games shy of Level 3400. Hope this helps. Luanne (Zoewalt)

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @ZoeWalt I am sure @Crazy Cat Lad can help you with this but as stated you will have to be patient as he will only reply in his work hours and i do not know what they are. Would make it easier if you posted your Game ID for him as he will need it

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