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Licorise - complete the story and win Boosters & Gold Bars! (finished)



  • anaoro
    anaoro Posts: 25

    Level 3

    Amo los gatos🥰

  • zedpsurfer
    zedpsurfer Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Licorise is a mischievous kitty full of energy that loves playing with ticking time bombs. She’ll play for hours! When she’s exhausted after playing and running all day, she’ll curl herself up to sleep in coconut wheels.

    Licorise is no ordinary kitty as you may have noticed. Since she is entirely made of sticky licorice, her tummy is full of anise and she poops licorice. 

    This, of course, can get in the way when she wants to lick icing, but it doesn’t bother her as long as she gets her favorite treat of jelly fish as a snack. Licorise is the kookiest kitty ever. Sweet purrfection!

  • tootlebugs
    tootlebugs Posts: 1

    Level 1

    New to this. Hope I'm doing this right.

  • Wendull25
    Wendull25 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Licorise is a mischievous kitty full of energy that loves playing with bottle rockets. She’ll play for hours! When she’s exhausted after playing and running all day, she’ll curl herself up to sleep by the window .

    Licorise is no ordinary kitty as you may have noticed. Since she is entirely made of sticky licorice, her tummy is shiny and glows. This, of course, can get in the way when she wants to surprise me , but it doesn’t bother her as long as she gets her favorite treat spaghetti noodles as a snack. 

    Licorise is the sweetest and prettiest

    kitty ever. Sweet purrfection!”

  • stvdns
    stvdns Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Great addition

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615

    Licorise is a harmful cat full of energy and loves playing games. Will play for hours! When she's tired after playing and jogging all day, she'll wrap around to sleep all night. Licorice is not an ordinary cat as you notice. Made entirely of sticky licorice, her stomach is twisted and spicy. This, of course, can get in the way when you want to see Candy Crush, but it doesn't bother her as long as she gets the favorite popcorn as a snack. Licorice is the most adored kitty. Sweet grunt

  • Uum Licorise hasn't got any story yet.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Well I created a story that you might want to read: The story of Licorise and Straberry

  • king_wale
    king_wale Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Guys any advice here ?

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