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๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“… How many levels are in Candy Crush Saga? Information per platform (2020 & 2021)



  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited July 2020

    Hi @Pounawea, completed the first two episodes on mobile (With two Diamond Trophies). Leaving the last episode to finish the Daily Win, so will drag it out till Tuesday.

    Disappointed in myself for making silly mistakes in both episodes. Ended up using quite a few boosters, including lots of UFO's.

    Levels were not bad at all. In the first episode I used my first booster only in level 7421. Wasted 2 X UFO's, since it did not target the blocked areas at all. The first one was a miss and few moves later I thought it would be better.

    Level 7428 (NHL), was as the description implies. Old Froggo was there, but he was intent on spoiling it for me, hiding under those blockers. Deployed UFO about midway, but it did not have the desired effect Old Froggo was not going to come out of hiding. I plodded along, but with 5 moves left, it became clear that it will be an epic fail, with quite a few jellies left which was not clustered.

    With two moves left I used my only Party Booster (From Level 7000). The show was amazing. It went on for about a minute, destroying everything in its path.

    As a coup de grace it unleashed those three final boosters, killing off those stubborn jellies. As a party gift, it left me with one jelly, to strike the final blow and allow me to claim "VICTORY IS MINE!!!". SUGAR STARS, YAY.

    Would not mind watching the show again, but at 30 GB's a pop, I'll wait for the next freebie.

    Levels 7429 and 7430 was the best form me.

    Caramel Canyons 7/10.

    Would have been 9/10, but wasting my UFO's in LEVEL 7421 was disheartening.

    11 Boosters used. 5 X UFO's. On two occasions i used 3 boosters a Level. Three boosters was used strategically to create combos.

    First time passes 15/15 - Diamond Trophy

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    Amazing. Pity about Dexter.

    You must have quite a lot of Diamond Trophies already.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,231

    @Albert_Heinrich I don't take much notice of the things that don't reward us. I am not even sure what Diamond Trophies are ?? I often get sugar stars, but don't go out of my way to get them.

    I occasionally lose a level, especially those with glitches or "Oops" levels, also some can fool you and become impossible to win.

    I got all the 45 levels at the first attempt this week. I try and hold my Final Fantastic 5 reward for the start, this way I get through 30 levels with an hour of starting timed speckled bomb and timed combo boosters, these combined with a full Build a Bot get me off to a good start. A lot of the time the board sets up with 2 speckled bombs side by side or I use a hand switch or hammer to get them side by side. As you said UFOs are the get out of trouble booster. I used 6 this week which is more than usual. I also used 2 UFOs on 1 level. It was months ago when I used a party booster.

    With my Fantastic 5 team, I usually have another hour of timed speckled bomb and combo boosters for my last 15 levels which I played today.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    @Peter_Tornaros, looks like you've got it worked out to the T. Hopefully I will get there soon. Used up almost all my UFO's. With Dexter MIA, out goes my UFO. Looking at using 100 GB's to purchase 5 UFO's.

    I tend to go back to your previous posts and get some tips, since we are lagging your progress. I specifically look at where you indicate difficulty or strategy and then use boosters as applicable. So far you were right on the money with your assertions. Will be tackling 7446 - 7460 for the next few days. Will be looking out for 7456, which you found difficult.

    I was kinda lucky yesterday. Had full Bot and the hit key on the third level getting all the Pre-game boosters, some one hour and some half an hour. On a few levels i could match those colour bombs and like you use LH and FS strategically.

    Will be tackling the last 15 levels with Bot Boosters only

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    We lost a F5 member and fortunately it was the one that contributed the least.

    Want to market our team for the fifth member, but cannot find the team through search.

    Anyone with ideas.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    @Pounawea, second episode Soda Sea was quite tricky. Passed all levels first time, but only managed Sugar Stars on one level.

    Soda Sea - 7/10. UFO's not targeting problem areas.

    First time passes 15/15 - Diamond Trophy

    7431 was relatively easy and 7432 a bit more tricky. Rainbow Rapids with the difficult chocolate that increases and takes 3 attempts to destroy. UFO best option here.

    7433 - 7445. Used 5 X UFO's, 1 X FS and 8 X LH.

    Best levels was7439 and 7441. 7439 was most challenging with 8 move timed bombs. You cannot lose concentration, because of the short timing of only 8 moves before it explodes. Completed, without using a booster.

    7443 and 7444 was my worst. Stupid mistakes cost me 2 X UFO and 5 X LH. Lack of concentration? Wasted a UFO level 7443. It did not target the problem areas at all.

    7442 was frustrating. With 18 moves left and five jellies, it should have been a cinch. Killed off 4 in 5 moves, but with 2 moves left, the only option was a LH. Could not manage to make a striped candy in 11 moves.

    Other than 7443-4, I completed the kevels with relative ease.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,231

    @Albert_Heinrich I got my members by inviting players I communicate with in the Community. Go through some of your posts, that way you find players that are interested and will participate. 4 of my players are at the top level (7550). I am Australian, 2 are American and the other English. Our fifth player is at level 6197 and is Australian. We are staggered in starting the new levels, so always pick up 2 F5s in the 45 levels.

  • Gary_Turner
    Gary_Turner Posts: 281

    Every level is difficult because I seem to get the levels about 2 weeks after other people and I have at least 10/15 moves less than other players. STOP messing about with levels so that certain players have a big advantage over others. No wonder certain players are finishing 45 levels in no time at all and coming on here and saying they are easy. Let us all play every level the same way. No wonder people are sick of this game and are complaining every week

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,231

    @Gary_Turner No levels are easy, just some are not as hard as others. Harder levels are clearly marked and the astute use of boosters helps to beat these levels. I have been told on this forum that the Win10 games are released to top level players to iron out any glitches or problems. That is exactly what happens on this thread.

    You must not be playing the Win10 version of the game, which is ahead of the browser and mobile device versions. If you have a PC or laptop running Windows 10, simply go to the Windows store and download the Win10 app.

  • wolfegirl101
    wolfegirl101 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hello Srry I haven't been talking lately I've been having work to do and then coming home to do more but I love that y'all are nice to people and welcoming to everyone who wants to join the community I hope y'all like the community like I do

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