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Claim your well-deserved Milestone Level 6000 Badge! 🎖️



  • lilac1015
    lilac1015 Posts: 9,710

    Milestone level 6000 badge 📛 and a chance of winning goldbars😱

    Thank you @Glenn1972

    Tnx for the tag @Diamond Lim

    Here's the screenshot of my 6000 level playing field map

  • mrjoenvi
    mrjoenvi Posts: 86

    Level 3

  • SMedders1
    SMedders1 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Finally figured out how to add actual screenshot image.

  • SMedders1
    SMedders1 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Here is a screenshot of my map for the 6000 badge. I'm way past this level.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    @Origins7_Dale thanks for highlighting on the "randomly" selected winner method.. Im guessing they are using a draw lot that enable them to pick 5 players from the bunch of low scorers manually i.e. the old school way where names of low scorers are put in a bowl and then pick manually?

    Just my guess ....hope you can get some insights from it 😅

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited August 2020

    Hi @Glenn1972 @Pounawea @Diamond Lim thx for tag & contest,

    Ok, did my "Replay" on Level 6000. See a few of you have also done yours. So here are the "Current Standings" on this contest.

    • Level 6000 - Lowest Score Contest 3,216,720 - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    • “Lowest Score” For "Replayed Level 6000" Updated on 8/8/2020 - Candy Crush Saga

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 2,551,740 - @rajdeeptb *Updated! 

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 3,216,720 - @Origins7_Dale

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 3,245,340 - @Nix66

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 3,335,340 - @aijaziqbal

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 3,595,440 - @mrjoenvi

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 3,822,120 - @Werner_Cichy *Updated!

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 4,141,540 - @wykoon

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 4,663,700 - @SMedders1  

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 5,153,520 - @Цербер

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 5,326,820 - @Glenn1972   

    Level 6000 - Lowest Score Replayed - 6,084,600 - @Yorben_Goeree

    Just barely got by @Nix66. Wait till the rest of the dangerous people post their scores. Dangerous people, you say, that's right, it's the girls. Where have you been. (hehe) Let's see, @Yosca, then Mrs. @bearwithme, there are more, they are everywhere.

    How to take a screenshot

    Well group, enjoy. Until next time.

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 


    P.S. @rajdeeptb *You have @Sukanta_Biswas in your list! He seems to be on everyone's list. (hehe) Also, keep in mind, you only get 3 edits in 24 hours, sometimes not even that. Depends on how the editor is feeling that day. Oh, nice score my friend. 😄 Don't forget to post your 6000 Level Map for your "Badge" & @Mrpraytor per @Glenn1972 post below.

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hahaha, thanks @Origins7_Dale for the updated scores!!

  • Jessthebestest
    Jessthebestest Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I transferred from Los Angeles, your school has no gymnastics team, this is my last resort🙏🏼

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Jessthebestest,

    Welcome to The King Community. My niece was a gymnast. Still remember when I flew over from the east coast to the west coast here in the USA to visit. Could drop quarters on her stomach & they would bounce up. (hehe)

    Well there are contest here, this one is on "Lowest Score" on Level 6000 along with a "Badge" if you are that far along on levels in Candy Crush Saga.

    *See Page 1, at link below.

    Claim your well-deserved Milestone Level 6000 Badge! 🎖️ You can also Win Gold Bars!!

    There are others, just click on "Contest" above on the game you play on, to find out more.

    Well enjoy the "King Community", lots of good people here to help you, if you need it.

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,252

    A little worse than before

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?