Ok, its called a "Special Move". So, whenever I make any move, special or not, it counts down from the max number of moves listed for that level. For instance, lets say I have 10 moves: I go, & make a Special move. ( I am now down to 9.) I go again because it was a "Special" move BUT it COUNTS me. (I am now down to 8.) Iā¦
I have been reading everything sent, I hope. I keep getting the same questions. Have I done this, that, & the other which is why I included what I've done in my post. The only thing I haven't done is a screenshot because the window that immediately drops in as soon as the game's over contains stuff that covers everything.ā¦
Thought problem was solved but no.Same issue. Level 331, jelly, playing Cupcake Carl, collecting monklings, on my last life, have 2 out of 3 required monklings, made a fish & instead of letting me continue out my moves, game ends.(I could've won) 1. Candy Crush Jelly version: 1.63.10 2. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Model:ā¦
I cannot take a screen shot because when the game is over the screen comes down that asks if I'm sure I want to quit ...blah blah. This covers everything of the last play. I have: updated ALL apps, cleared cache, found there's enough memory, force closed Jelly, powered off for at least 10 seconds, uninstalled Jelly,ā¦
It tells me out of moves, but I have moves. I can keep playing until I run out of lives, and wait the time shown in the heart, and play again. Thank you for taking the time to help me as Candy Crush is my favorite game.
Went through the whole thing; my phone is all updated. It's brand new -just bought it less than a month ago!! So, now what can I do?? I read something about Flash and Java. They did not come installed on my phone. Could that be it?? I'm soooo bummed. Candy Crush is my favorite game and I'm unable to play it.