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Level 3

 Good job people for speaking up!  👍


  •  I have no build a bot at all, all my boosters were taken away and so was the build a bot. Yay
  • LouiseT, This has happened to me several times. I use an iPhone, don't know if that makes a difference. I went to another level and got more wrapped candies and it opened up and gave me the reward. Sometimes it took a couple of tries, but even if I got only a few, it did open back up. I hope it works for you. Dorn
  • I think making the thousands of levels already played more fun would be a win win!! If there are so many players waiting on new levels, reinstate the build a bot style for All levels! Keep us having fun on CC rather than go to a different game while waiting! Just a thought....
  • Elsa, I fully agree with the consensus that you rock! Sometimes seeing your support, patience, and help on trying to get back the game the way it used to be, gives me hope enough to go back and play some more cc. I haven't been playing much cc, or looking at this discussion much lately. I've downloaded some other games,…
  • Elsa, Thank you for the response! I think it's important to know that you are in the same boat Keep pushing!! Thank you, Dorn
  • I promise you all, I see only one reason for the change... Greed. The game is no longer fun!! It was an awesome game, then they change it after years!! Years man!! It takes me about 20+ minutes to post anything because I'm so mad, sad, disgusted etc... I hate that it was such a fun game, only to see this change that ruined…
  •  I would like to ask of all the other people commenting on here to take into consideration that each and everyone of us is very very frustrated and running out of patience. I'm 52 years old and I Learned a long time ago you get a lot farther, and your words mean more if they are put in a fashion that is respectful. I can…
  • Elsa, I understand that you want the comments posted here to be within the guidelines outlined by the company, and common sense. Please do not extinguish the outlet tool for all the folks commenting. I am very frustrated, and growing less patient as time passes, I'm certain I'm not the only one. I put a lot of effort into…
  • When you start a new level, look at the arrangement of the board, before you move any candies, you can hit the lower left button and then hit the back arrow without losing a life. Must be done before you make any moves! I have done this sometimes up to 20 plus times until I see an agreeable configuration on the board. Then…
  • 2 Color bombs together. No matter how much money you spend, which package you get, you cannot get two color bombs together with out the build a bot in the game. And to get that, you have to win a game that usually requires two together to have a chance. It's simply not fun to lose over and over and over! The carrot on the…

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