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Ok, but are you an individual whom also has lost the ability to “reset the board” or go into a new level, press the settings button, then the little door to go back out all without losing a life, or are you still able to do this without losing a life? If so, maybe try it on 3943 as you mention you have not ventured into it yet and see if you have 25 or 28 moves. This would also give you a good chance to take an accurate screenshot for the developers beings your already posted ones show your next available ready-to-beat level is 3943, and if you shot it with a start of 25 moves and not a single booster it would completely get your point across to them and maybe they stop givin you the run around?mercerik said:@Oakley_Arney
I am planning on PLAYING these 3 LEVELS even though I know I'VE BEEN CHEATED. All CCS GAMES ARE RECORDED and will be POSTED ON YouTube. I was HOPING that I COULD HAVE the AWARDING of PRIZES in my VIDEO so I can include it in my POSTING. UNFORTUNATELY with what HAPPENED, it shows CCS DOES NOT FOLLOW THE RULES.
mercerik -Understand and understood. When you do decide to play, and it is posted as you say it will be recorded, I hope that stinkin bot gives you those extra 3 moves in which it is captured as doing so in your screen shots! Along with all the other promised boosters you are to be starting this level with...good luck to you, I hope you can get everything resolved.☺️
Ditto. I’m 33, have 3 children under the age of 10, all of whom despise the movie Bambi. How does this relate?🤔🙃...I call it a “thumper.” Aside from the terrible grammar used by this baby bunny, known as “Thumper in the movie, just as your words are very well expressed, i too will express mine and pull a “thumper”. “If ya ain’t got nuthin nice to say, then don’t say nuthin at all.”☺️ (Your words are very well said, thank you, spot on, my children see me “thump” my foot when they fight and it truly goes without words, if that doesn’t work, I ask “do we need to watch Bambi?”😂)Dorn said:I would like to ask of all the other people commenting on here to take into consideration that each and everyone of us is very very frustrated and running out of patience.
I'm 52 years old and I Learned a long time ago you get a lot farther, and your words mean more if they are put in a fashion that is respectful.
I can curse like a sailor, but I've had more success using words like please and thank you.
Elsa and the other liaisons to CC did not individually put the game in its current state, we have to remember that the people responding to us are not responsible for what happened.
We can just simply keep stating our problems, voting, keeping it civil but not giving up!
When I was 38 years old, I bought a box of cracker jacks that had no surprise in it! I wrote a nice letter to the company explaining what happened, they sent me a coupon for eight dollars worth of cracker jacks and an apology!
It's kind of funny, I didn't think anything was going to come of it, but it is a good example of what can happen if you just simply ask.
We don't want to anger the messenger! Being polite is not "kissing up", it's just being polite.