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Build a Bot boosters available for previous levels



  • Paul_Holley
    Paul_Holley Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I agree. I’m quitting too after 6years. All the fun is gone. Bot boosters need to be for all levels 
  • chuck38
    chuck38 Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Just completed the 30 new levels. I kept my build a bot for all levels by using boosters and one extra move spin. I also used approximately 25 hammers, 10 hand switches and 2 UFOs. My goal was not to lose the bot but it created a lot of stress.  I still fully support build a bot for previously beat levels. 
  • Dorn
    Dorn Posts: 56

    Level 3


    I fully agree with the consensus that you rock! Sometimes seeing your support, patience, and help on trying to get back the game the way it used to be, gives me hope enough to go back and play some more cc. 

     I haven't been playing much cc, or looking at this discussion much lately.  I've downloaded some other games, but I still would like to play the candy crush that I know, the fun one. 

     I enjoy playing some of the levels that I've already passed.  They would be a lot more fun if I can use the "build a bot" style on these already past levels.  

    They now have ads that you watch they give you rewards for watching commercials.  If a player is playing the game more time in a day, then they see more of the ads.
     I think if they put the boosters back on the previously played levels that the ads would get more views, hence more revenue.
     It is just an idea maybe you can pass on up the ladder to help convince them to change the game back the way it was.

     Thank you again for all your help and support!

    Dorn 👍
  • Dorn
    Dorn Posts: 56

    Level 3

    I think making the thousands of levels already played more fun would be a win win!!

    If there are so many players waiting on new levels, reinstate the build a bot style for All levels! 

    Keep us having fun on CC rather than go to a different game while waiting!

    Just a thought....
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Hi @Dorn thanks for the compliment.  Regarding the ads on the videos have you noticed that it only lasts 5x and then it disappears?  Believe me I am just as discouraged as all of you.  They are already aware of how much I want it to change back.  The Community Manager comes here all the time to see what everyone is writing and she is passing this along to the studio.  I don’t know what else to do.  I am trying to be patient.  Have you tried playing Blossom Blast Saga yet?  It’s really cool and distracts me from the difficult games.  Give it a try while we wait to hear something.
  • Somegirl
    Somegirl Posts: 122
    I’ve been using a different game while waiting myself.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Me too Somegirl!  I am playing quite a few King games at the moment.
  • Somegirl
    Somegirl Posts: 122
    What ones? I get motionsickness easily so candy crush is easy for me. I tried a few and didn’t like a few. @Elsa
  • cazmartini
    cazmartini Posts: 150
    @Elsa just wanted to say that thank you for all you do on here. You have helped me in the past with issues in the game and I am so glad you are here. It’s nice to have someone here that actually listens and responds. 
    Do you think King realizes that they are losing players daily. They are also losing money as lots of those players are high level players that don’t mind spending money on a game they enjoy. I Have not spent a penny on this game since all this started and will not spend anything until they listen to us players. 
    once again wanted to thank you for all you do. 
    Have a great day 😀
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    @Somegirl I play, CC Saga, CC Soda Saga, CC Jelly Saga, CC Friends Saga, Blossom Blast Saga, Farm Heroes Saga and sometimes I play Diamond Digger, new game - Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga and then non-King games.  So when I get frustrated with one game I go to the next and to the next and then watch TV!

    @Carol_Martins, thank you for being so patient and thanks for the compliment!  The sad part is that I don't think they are losing any players.  Their data shows no player loss so I guess if one drops out for a couple of weeks, a new player starts.  So the numbers remain the same.  An addiction is an addiction!  Many players say that they are quitting and they have had enough but sooner or later they are back to give it one more try!  I should start group therapy with my psychology degrees on how to get rid of an addiction.  But first I have to figure out how I get rid of my addiction!  LOL!
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