4 of a kind
Can you match 4 on the diagonal?
old school and chat
I'd like to bring back Mr. Toffee's Fair. It seems you had to dumb it down by calling it 4 in a row. Also, while I'd like the chat option back in bake a cake, I think it would be useful in 4 of a kind. It seems players need to be aware of how they are blocking their partners and the frustration it causes. Not being able to…
Inactive players
Is there a way to remove/delete inactive players from your team.
Removing inactive players from your team
Our team now consists of 10 of 12 players. We have one new player with great credentials, but haven't evaluated yet. That leaves 6 active and 1 undetermined. We have an Admin, but he has not contributed ever. I would like to remove the 3 inactive players from the team and make room for new players. Is that possible?
viewing the game board
When you lose a game a banner shows up giving options and asking if you want to continue. It would be helpful if there was a clear view of the game board. I would like to be able to see the whole board to figure out if there is a chance to complete the game in five or more moves. The action is fast and exciting, the end…
Why did you change the Rainbow Round rewards?
It is hard to win games in a row. You changed it back to when you lose a game you lose all of your rewards instead of losing them one at a time. It doesn't seem fair. Samsis
Team members in CCSS
We've had two people join our team recently, but they are not listed on the team roster. What gives? Samson
Soda Race
I think the race should be over once the third player finishes. Since the last two players don't get a reward, it doesn't make sense to have to keep playing to the end. Just start a new race. Thanks, Samson
I don't like having to select Activities and scroll through to pick what I want. It was much easier and there is plenty of room to have all on the game screen. If you want to pick 4 in a Row, or Shipmates or any of the others, just have it out there to choose. Simple.
These new icons look like stamps. They are used to send lives and boosters to friends. Are they called stamps and how do you find out how many you have?