Grey play button
can someone please help us finish the cake, there is only one play left to complete and everyone has the grey play button, not sure why it is doing this. Thanks so much
So when you run out of moves and you get the bonus moves ( give up gold bars for X amount of moves, or choose the 5 extra bonus moves) and you are only 1 or 2 moves away from winning the game, more than half of the time you get the “oops the video (ad) in not available” and cannot get you 5 bonus moves, but if you choose…
Worst Update Ever!!!!
Please please please for the love of god reverse the most recent update that changed how we are requesting lives from friends. I don’t understand why you would screw over so many people who love the game and spend money in the app!! You should be improving the experience not making it miserable!! If this update does not…
Kimmy Gone Fishing
for a few hours today i had Kimmy gone fishing feature, it was making fishes threw the level and was counting each made, if compleated the level it added them to a weekly contest i was enjoying the feature, was only on my ipad , but now its gone , such a shame
Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand
*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Level 5000+
5,000+ y'all
Bake a cake
Why is the play button grey? It became grey right before I got to the last level to finish the cake.
Why can't I use my coupon?
Daily bonus not working again
It seem that every time with click on the more bonus it effects it please investigate so annoying last went on yesterday sue
🆕 Extra Levels in Soda are here! 🏁🏆🏃
Hello dear Soda players! I think by now you already know what's coming! 😉 To celebrate the St Patricks Season and the start of the Gold Cup, we’ve released an extra set of 75 levels (5 episodes) for all players to enjoy on February 29th! 🎁❄️🎉 For these levels, we'd love to hear your response on the following questions: Do…