Thanks To Customer Support!
Customer support is so quick!
3 stars in Level 3113 impossible
I have tried weeks and with all possible weapon. There is no way i can achieve 3 stars, not even 2 stars is impossible
How To Complete SUPER HARD LEVEL 1759 In LESS MOVES And Get 3-Stars ⭐⭐⭐
Candy Crush SODA SAGA 1759 | SUPER HARD LEVEL | 3-Star ⭐⭐⭐ | Completed In 15 MOVES Date Played & Recorded: September 14, 2020 @ 2:18 AM CDT Device & Version: iPhone iOS Candy Crush SODA SAGA APP Level Type: Jam Level Degree Of Difficulty: SUPER HARD LEVEL BLOCKER: Licorice Swirls, Licorice Locks, Locked Licorice Swirls,…
How To Complete HARD LEVEL 1756
Date Played & Recorded: September 13, 2020 @ 1:12 AM CDT Device & Version: iPhone iOS Candy Crush SODA SAGA App Level Type: Frosting Level Degree Of Difficulty: HARD BLOCKERS: 5-6 Layered Candy Ice Cubes, :Licorice Swirls & Peppermint Sticks GOAL: Find The Bears! 0/11 In 30 Moves
won't open
Level 84 won't open for me!
Glitch on recent update?
yesterday 9/17 I started experiencing glitches - the game won’t load - stuck on ‘loading’ ad the game also crashed which has rarely happened. Is this due to a recent update?
To the developers.
2 days ago Windows was reinstalled on my laptop. After that, I still have some of the previous bonuses (Kimmy arcade, team, Toffee) besides the daily bonus. It was 2 hours of bonus and 30 minutes of endless lives. Now - 1 hour bonus and 15 minutes of lives. I know that many players have written about this here. In 15…
Please help me! Level 245 on CCSS
I am stuck at the level 245 in Candy crush soda saga.... Please help me
Fish is my enemy?
I'm in level 1470. Very disappointed... If I make a fish, release that fish, I have only one move and only one block to break to win, and that fish goes and break something else and I loose... Is like having an enemy within the game... Getting bored, is like playing *Edited by CM: offensive* Thoughts...
Daily booster too short
The daily booster lasts 15 minutes, it's been quite a long time now. This is unfair.