Game stiil not working? .
Sunday ended with all top winnings wasn't even placement seen. Money spent foolishly.
Missing leave game icon.
Don't know where it went but missing icon. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have an idea to get it back and not deleting game.
I need to change the email address my Candy Crush Saga logs in with
For some reason when I login to CCS on my iphone it logs in with my husbands email so links to his FB account! He doesn't play CC so it goes to game 1. I'm on about 526. It has only recently done this so I have no idea how this has happened. I login on my ipad fine and go to 526 fine. I've tried uninstalling and…
Rescue Bear Prize
clicked on claim, and error popped up and now my prize is lost
Podium prizes
Hi I won on the podium 3 times in a row, but never received the prizes! It popped up saying congrats but never got the prize
Is there a bug with IOS?
Hi For 2 or 3 days I can’t play the game because the cross buttons are not working First I can’t close the opening window of the bundle. If I can pass this stage inside the teams all is working fine and I can tap the cross button but anywhere else it’s not working. If I loose a game I’m forced to pick “watch ad” or spend…
Supersonic Lolly
I keep getting a segment of a Pie drop down into the bottom left hand corner of my screen, After a day it fades away.!! How do I collect more segments and what do they do.? Is this another way of King collecting more Revenue from unsuspecting Players.?
Depuis quelques jours le jeu se coupe, bien sûr j'ai regardé pour les mises à jour mais rien n'y fait .avez vous des solutions. C'est pénible je perds tout à chaque fois
crashes game
Every time I'm about to win, it crashes! I feel like I've been ripped off! This has happened so many times! I've lost so much. It feels like I'm wasting money. And it's true that I paid for it.
Charged twice for purchase
I have been double charged for a purchase this morning for candy crush. You need to refund me