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Error on piece 11/22 of the cake, game crashes!
My game has crashed three times now in the exact same move of the level 11 / 22 (last level of the cake). After the third or fourth move, the game crashes and I loose the hat. Pleas fix this soon!
Loja indisponível?
Não estou conseguindo comprar nada!
Message I'm not on my wi fi by game but
my WiFi is working
Link the old mobile to the new
I need to continue playing at the level were l was with old mobile on the new . Is there a way that l can link them?
Why I lost all powerups
After recent update I lost all my powerups. I had over 1000 lolipop hammer and over 40 cross lolipop hammer 98 freeswitch over 600 colour bomb over 900 coloring candy over 2500 double delish fish and 52 supersonic lolly. You can check with my user ID which is 1374613257. I have never reinstall the game or delete my local…
what are these and how do you earn them?
I've attached a picture to this question please let me know what these are called. And you earn them from winning each board right? If I'm incorrect please let me know. Thank you.
How can I retrieve my old game
No videos to watch for extra moves. Why?
I have not been getting the videos to watch for 5 extra moves. Going on 3 days now. Has that been discontinued
Double tapping special candies
I used to be able to double tap special candies like fish or striped candies to activate without matching them with like colors. Just switched to new iPhone and this no longer works. It still works on the old phone. How to reactivate on new phone?