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No gold bars when playing Bubblegum hill

Lisa Posts: 53 Level 2

Two weeks ago I played Bubblegum Hill and won the game. Β  The game finished about an hour later, but I never got notified of how many gold bars I had won for that game.Β  I asked this question 1 week ago and got a response from Tony the moderator who said he would send me a private message.Β  He never sent that message.Β  I questioned him about that but never heard a response.Β 

I am asking again if there is a reason why I did not receive my gold bars won in Bubblegum Hill after the game was finished for that time period?

Thank you.


  • Tony_Mc
    Tony_Mc Posts: 4,138 Level 3

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for posting this again here on King Care.

    I have sent you a private message regarding your account. You should be able to see it in your inbox here on King Care.

    Kindest regards,

    Tony - King Care Team

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