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Carmella_Fennell Posts: 40 Level 2

For the past 4-5 days, at the very END OF EACH GAME, (I’m STUCK on level 2357) actually, during the SCORING PROCESS‼️‼️  Uggggggggg  ....  VERY FRUSTRATING since I’m using “Boosters” bought and paid for, and some earned.  I’ve followed all the recommendations to try & resolve on my own, obviously to no avail or I’d not be writing this.  I read in another thread that the User ID would be helpful to y’all, so while I hope sending this ID publicly doesn’t put me at risk, here you go: [...].  

I am using iPad IOS version 11.4  ~~~ Capacity 64 GB  Available 53.96 GB

I trust that KING is treating this technical issue with the utmost priority given the nature of the problem, not to mention the WIDESPREAD EFFECT ON USERS.  PLEASE keep me posted or tell me if there’s any other information you need to expedite a solution. 

With kind regards, Carmella F.    


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,019 Pet Rescue Moderator
    edited June 2018

    Thank you Carmella and sorry you are having this issue too. Thank you for all the information, the user ID number is only helpful to those that can see your account (as in King) so won't cause any issues by posting it here. 

    I will pass this over to the team as clearly its a bigger issue than they thought originally :)

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager

    Hi Carmella,

    Nice to meet you! I'm sorry this has happened. We have reported it immediately to the studio and they're looking into it. One thing I can do for you in the meanwhile is get you past that level (which has a glitch that is causing the crash) so that you can keep playing. This would imply that it would reset the score of all the previous levels to 2 stars so before doing it I want to make sure that you would like this.

    I've also compensated you already for the trouble, so once you go back to the game you should see this. For any privacy reasons I have also deleted your core ID number from your response (but noted down internally).

    I'll be waiting for your reply. Also, if you would like this conversation to take place privately just let me know and I can send a private message your way.

    Thanks for coming to us and reporting the issue!



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