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I realize I have to wait on levels being released when ever KING does so

Carmella_Fennell Posts: 44

Level 3

 but, I'm on 3-weeks waiting on new levels & have been unable to play except replaying levels I've already done .... I finished Level 2515 two and 1/2 weeks ago, I see Levels 2516 - 2524 .... With normal statement they're "cooking in the factory" meantime therefore been at least 3 competitions I've missed out on, and one in process now.  Is there anyway to PLEASE release 2516-2524 to me sooner than later??

Thank you.  With kind regards,



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Carmella, I have a great suggestion for you!  Would you like to play my game for me because I am only at 1685!  These levels are getting harder and harder!

    Seriously, I don't know how often the new levels are released because each game has their own studio.  I just asked a King Admin to find out so if he gets an answer hopefully he will respond to you here.

    In the meantime, are you playing any of the other King games while you wait for the new episode to be released?  They just came out with Diamond Diaries and Legend of Solgard and both can be uploaded from the app store.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Carmella, the only information that I found out is that they are trying to align the game to release similar to CC Saga which is every Wednesday.  But I just checked my app store and there was a new release yesterday.  I'm reading what it says on my app:  We update our game every week with 15 new levels, brimming with Soda and Candy!" but Carmella, I scrolled further down on my updates and the oldest showing is Aug. 9th so we can figure the math - yesterday being Aug. 22 minus out Aug. 9th and we get 13 days.  Let's you and I keep an eye on the updates to see if they release a new episode Aug. 22 plus 7 days = Aug. 29th!  Then we'll have a better idea of it's weekly or whatever.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Carmella_Fennell, sorry that your message got lost in the transition from the old community to the new community.  Do you still need help with this?  Please don't hesitate to contact us again because now we are on top of all new messages.

    As a Soda player, how would you like to help with the 5 year celebration coming at the end of this year?  Please visit this link and complete the survey.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?