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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • marscrushinit
    marscrushinit Posts: 2,536
    Yes I got the hand switch a day ago. It was a nice improvement 🙌
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    Part of my last reward was a lollipop but still 1 hour striped candy for the other. The past 2 boards I had were completed within 2 days and have rows easy to finish quickly. Maybe the beginning of improvements. Now, work on improving prizes and consider lifting the 2 tile per day max!
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
      This feature sucks! At least make it possible to kick a "teammate" of a tile, if they've been sitting on it too long. I started a new board Friday. Only one of the rows could be completed without new levels (I always play them Friday), but a teammate has been blocking one of the easy tiles in it since Friday. I could have completed it by myself Saturday. I have now ticked of 10 tiles, but can't complete a row, because I have no new levels. The prizes also suck. 
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
    Bricorn said:
    Well, I do have a "doable" line.  Unfortunately, neither of my team mates have shown up, I've done my 2 for the day, so that's that.
       Better they don't show up instead of blocking a tile in the doable line for days. 
  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for your reports, I'm glad to hear that you are liking those improvements already.

    Some notes that I would like to share with you on where we are at with the feature:

    • The wrapped candy message when what you get is a striped candy has been fixed and should be live with the next release.
    • We are looking at the rewards on Facebook. It's connected to an issue with unlimited lives on Facebook and This should be live in 2 weeks, since it needs quite some work.
    • The team will run several actions on Mr. Toffee's Fair in the near future. They will be looking only at feedback and will think of ways to address your points moving forward to guarantee that the feature applies to your needs. Nothing is yet set in stone, but I can confirm that there will be dedicated teams revisiting the feature soon and that the community's feedback is one of the main elements to be looking into.
    As you can see already by the difficulty change, the team is trying to go towards a direction that takes your opinion into account and that change is a confirmation of it. They are aware that other players locking slots is also one of your main frustration points and it will be one of the key elements to look into moving forward.

    Hope this was of help to you. Again, and as always, thank you for providing your feedback and insights and for remaining respectful while doing so.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    I'm enjoying Mr. Toffee's Fair and like the prizes that I can win.
  • sabbatani
    sabbatani Posts: 7

    Level 2

    just 1 question dunno if was posted in previous 75 pages,when this mr toffee lair appear,i mean I am on level 58 and he didn't show up again
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    edited June 2019
    Hi @sabbatani - welcome to our sodalicious community!  I am on level 184 and I am still seeing Mr. Toffee's Fair.  Of course you can only fill in one square a day.  I will tag one of our superstars @Elsa to see if she might know why you are not seeing him.  From your question it sounds like you saw him and now you are not - correct?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Thanks for tagging me @bearwithme@sabbatani, where are you playing the game?  You will only see him on mobile devices or Windows 10.  But correct me, if I am wrong, and it's also available on computers too.  Are you getting the quests instead?  Not too long ago you got either Mr. Toffee's Fair or the quests back.
  • sabbatani
    sabbatani Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I am on windows 10 and I am on level 58 completed and to start level 59 and he don't show NEVER ,I formatted computer 2 weeks ago and in my previous gametrough he show at level 48,now I am 58 and not yet

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?