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I've been stuck on same super hard level for 6 days so had to bite the bullet and play toffee fair. Finished a row so got 1hr of colour bomb and a striped lolly. Which would be lovely IF I HAD ANY LIVES TO PLAY ON WITH!!
Can't request lives as there seems to be another problem. 😠😠😠😠😠
Mr Tofees sucks... It cost more than u get. I hate it.
Seems like most of the "prizes" involve 1 free hour of something so unless you have time to continue playing you lose it. Too bad those free hours can't be stored for when you are ready to use them like other rewards.
I notice that I don't get any of the unlimited lives, lollipop hammer, or any of the other "savable" rewards. When I get wrapped candy or others for an hour, those are always there, but the unlimited lives and accruable helpers do not come through. I play on Chrome and on Opera on a desktop PC
It’s kinda revealing when the pro’s have to talk about buying thier way though an unwinnable game.
Not liking Mr. Toffee's Fair at all. Don't like relying on other people nor do I wish to be responsible for others. Want my own Quest back!!!
Xarly has been quiet lately. Think we are being ignored?
It has been more than 2 weeks since this thread began with many (perhaps all?) of us expressing our dislike for the new Mr. Toffee and that we would like our quests back and we have not received any useful updates. This is very poor customer service.
I recently downloaded some new puzzle/game apps to replace this one until they try something different since this is clearly not working for us!!
I have now found a new game that is just as fun and where you get free boosters every day. I now play much less on CCS. I think nothing is going to change and I am very sorry. The only thing they want is that you have to buy the boosters. Sad, it was always such a fun game.
I don’t think they are going to change it back either. It’s unfortunate because this was one of the few games I play everyday. As many games out there, I’m sure I’ll find one I like just as much as soda. Time to find it.