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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Good Morning! B)

    The profile pictures are very cute. Would it be possible to create your own picture? Because I deliberately put no pictures of me on the Internet. There is an avatar in each game page. One can also leave with the sweet pictures! Would be very nice of you. Thank you.

    Greeting Peggy <3
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Good Morning! :(

    When will the beautiful Smylies come back?

    Greeting Peggy =)<3
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    Spinnifix, what are you talking about?
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    From suggestions and question! Everything is there! Just do not know if it was inserted in the right department by me. Because I still have a hard time here. But you will tell me that.

     So now I go back to bed.

  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    no, not in the right place, lol
  • I’ve managed to earn a few of the so-called rewards from Mr. Toffee.  Usually a wrapped candy which I may or may not actually receive, or a striped candy.  They are usually accompanied by some free play time.  Wondering if anyone has ever received a striped hammer pop, a hand switch or a fish, coloring candy or sparkle bomb that was actually collectible.  
    Really disappointed with this feature.  Not sure what I dislike most—having to use a booster for a chance at earning a less valuable booster, not knowing what prize you are playing for, having to rely on team members who may or may not be playing,  only being allowed to check off two boxes in a 24 hour period.  

    Can’t think of one positive comment to make about it.
  • Brian_Tate
    Brian_Tate Posts: 73

    Level 3

    So king can we bring back daily missions now? You see your players don't like Toffees fair which is properly named cause you play and play and don't win anything. It has discouraged me to play.  At least completing daily missions made me feel like I was getting something out of grinding to beat boards and the boosters made the races more competitive.   
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    I just finished the race that I am forced to participate in and I HATE it.   Then Mr. Toffee gave me a wrapped candy after finishing my share of the board.
    Embarrassing and shameful Candy crush soda.  Do you really think you have improved the game?
    I will not play again until Mr.Toffee is gone from my game.
    Looking for something new and fun.
    This is a huge waste of time.

    @Marilee_@Marilee_Lamond you are not forced to play Mr. Toffee's Fair.  I stopped playing it last week so when it pops up I just "x" out of it.
  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    edited April 2019
    Hi all,

    Thank you for your feedback, both from those that are now having daily quests, and from those having Mr. Toffee's fair.

    You guys have given us really insightful comments to think about and discuss internally and please rest assured, we are discussing it. I understand that to some of you the uncertainty can be stressful and I agree we can do better with it. We are definitely trying and all I can ask for is your patience.

    That said, the team will keep checking insights and feedback for a while and I will inform you in case there are any changes.

    Please only comment here if it's in relation to Mr. Toffee's fair or the quests. As stated in our Community Guidelines (that you can read here), it's important to keep things on topic. Further comments that are not relevant to this topic will be removed. You are always welcome to create any thread if you wish to speak about something not related to the topic here with the rest of the community (use 'The Fun Area' if it is something less game-related).

  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    I too also have Windows 10 and neither Mr. Toffee or the Quests returned. Like most I would prefer the quests, though at this point with not having any way to earn boosts, I'd take anything right about now.

    Elsa said:
    @Graeme_London I don't have either one on my Windows 10 too.  @Xarly could you possibly find out why Windows 10 players don't have anything?  I didn't pay attention to this before because I usually play on mobile only but Graeme is right that if you only play on Windows 10 then you aren't given either option.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?