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Can someone help get my bars back?

nmbl99 Posts: 3

Level 1

All my bars disappeared.  Can someone help me get them back??


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,143
    Hello @nmbl99, Hearty Welcome to the Candy Soda section of our friendly King Community :)

    I am sorry to hear that the Gold bars were disappeared from your game!!!  First of all, few questions ---

    Would you mind me asking which game you are talking about?  
    I am assuming you are talking about "Gold Bars".... if not, please clarify!
    Do you remember the count of the Gold Bars and are you sure you have not spent them?
    Before loosing them, did you game crash or something happened to your device?
    On which device you are playing the game?  
    Did you log-in to the game through Facebook OR King account?
    Can you please provide your game User ID?  To find the ID, please check this link
    (I have added the link for Candy Crush game, but the procedure is same for all the games).

    Please provide answers for all the above Questions.  To do so, please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below! 
    Once you provide all these needed details, I can inform one of the Community Managers to look into your game :+1:

    Looking forward to hear from you!  Have a nice weekend =)  

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