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Problem System

Good Morning,your System seem to be stupid i was 2 Times to much money today i habe bocked the Package for 9.99 and i was 20.98€ deducted please clearfictation 


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,054 Candy Moderator
    Hello @patrickschmuck76, Hearty Welcome to the Candy Soda section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I am sorry to say that your question was not very clear to me :(  You said you have blocked 9.99 package, but 20.98 got deducted!!  

    If you have not received the items you have purchased, I would suggest you to contact the King Support team through this link to get your purchased items back --->

    ** While filling out, enter the TOPIC as "Problems with Purchase";
    **  and the SUB-TOPIC as "Purchased Items Not Received"
    ** Explain briefly about the issue and Submit the form.

    NOTE:  Along with above details, make sure to enter the Game Name correctly!

    After sending the complaint, you will be receiving an automated email as acknowledgement.  If you have not heard from them within 3 days, send a reply to the same email you have received. 

    Hoping for the Best!  Have a great rest of the week!

    ** Please post back if you need further assistance by tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below =)

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