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Login Bonus got Lost through making an King Account to synchronize progress on my new Device

Daggicr Posts: 2 Newbie
Hello Community,

i am frustrated because my login bonus of 700+ Days got Lost just because i made an King Account to synchronize my progress to play along on my new ios device. Now i have different login bonuses and BOTH Devices Lost that Progress. My New Device started with 15 Days and the old one kept the progress the next day by 700+ days. The day after that, the old Device lost the high progress too. Is there a way to restore that?


  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Daggicr - welcome to our friendly community. Can you please confirm what device(s) you are using to play the game. Login streaks are stored on your local device so each one should be separate but you shouldnโ€™t have lost your streak?

    Please provide your user ID by following the link below for instructions.

    Tagging our CM @Xarly so heโ€™s aware of the possible issue.
  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager
    Hi both,

    I'm sorry this happened. As @Foley1362 perfectly mentioned, these logins are stored in your devices. Sometimes, data is not sent properly from the device to our servers, and logins are missed. Sadly, this is not something we can restore. After 7 days though, the rewards are as good as they were on your 700 day (which by the way, is a truly admirable milestone!).

    As a gesture of good will and as an apology, I've sent someย  gold bars your way. I'm afraid that that's as much as we can do.

    Thanks for being there for so many days in a row, I hope we get to have you with us for many many more!

  • Daggicr
    Daggicr Posts: 2 Newbie
    Dear Foley and Xarly,

    thank you for the warm welcome, i played on an IPAD 2 and now on an IPad Air 3gen. It is not Restoreable? This Streak was very important for me, it was not for the rewards themself, instead to keep the streak going on, was the thing that kept me playing.ย 

    Thank you for your time :)
  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713 Sweet Legend
    Hi again @Daggicr - Iโ€™m so sorry to say this but it is not. As @Xarly mentioned the streaks are stored in your personal device not a server so it canโ€™t be reset โ˜น๏ธ

    I understand your disappointment as I had an 800+ day streak interrupted just last month and have had to start over. I hope you continue to keep crushing it!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?