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Gold bars gone

xxxxtina Posts: 1 Newbie
Hello, I have just opened a game to play and noticed all my gold bars are gone. I believe I had over 50 of them, now its showing 0. My ID is 10740446845, could you please check what happened, many thanks. Kristyna


  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110 Sweet Legend
    Hi @xxxxtina and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 I am sorry you have this problem. Make sure your connection is working properly. Sometimes servers can be a little bit slow and it takes time for gold bars to reappear. Please let me know if they are back. If not, I will ask our Community Manager to look into your account and see what exactly is happening. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day πŸ€—

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