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Why have I stopped winning 30min of lives when I win a level

Logic Posts: 3 Newbie
Hiya I am now on level 1832 up until about a couple of months ago I was winning 30min of lives whenever I won a level and this would accumulate, if I had any left I tried to send them to other gammers but that didn't work. However the winning of lives has now stopped suddenly and my avatar dissapeared from the race. It then started a bottle thing to win boosters in. Please can we get the lives back when winning a level. Sorry writing so I have a habit of doing that. Thanks. 


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,206 Candy Moderator
    Hello @Logic Welcome back to the King Community :) 

    I am sure you are talking about Candy Soda game because you have mentioned "bottle thing"!! 

    1) When you have mentioned 30 minutes of lives, by any chance, are you talking about the "Gift Boxes" that we open after winning levels?  If so, that feature is not available in the game anymore!  Instead, a new feature called "Treasure Goblin" has been introduced.  You can read more about the feature here in these discussions  about this New Feature 

    It has been few months since I have played Soda and hence, I have not seen/experienced any of these new features!  So, no idea how they are working!!

    2) I am sorry to say that I have not understood what you meant by your avatar disappeared from the race!!  Is it back now? 

    3) With regards to the "new" bottles -- it is the new feature called "Rainbow Streak" instead of "Rainbow Road" where Kimmy appears with different outfits!!  Like I said above, it's been few months since I have played the game... hence, not sure about this feature too!  But, looking at the bottles, the boosters do look the same as in "Rainbow Road" =)

    Hope I have clarified everything from your question(s)!  Please let me know if you need further information or assistance.  Also, please let me know about the disappearance of your Avatar!

    ** IF you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you will be able to write back.  

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • Logic
    Logic Posts: 3 Newbie
    Hi PummyRaj thankyou heaps for your reply, it has given me a lot of good information. I'm sorry I should have said that I'm playing "Candy Crush Soda Saga".

    1) The "Gift Boxes" may be what I was thinking of but not 100% sure? I wish there was more ways to get lives, as the waiting time between each life after the first 5 makes the game lose its excitement for me.

    2) I love the "Episode Race". When it first started my picture or avatar on the Rainbow Road was on the race too. But now the one on the race has gone and left a blank face outline. I had it for a long time then it's gone don't know if it will come back, its been too long now. 

    3) The "Rainbow Streak" is a good feature, but unless your very good at the game the benefits of the boosters are lost very fast.

    Thankyou again for helping me, this is much appreciated.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,776 Soda Moderator
    @PummyRaj I still have the gift boxes and never seen Treasure Goblin.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?