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Didn't receive what was purchased

katkittykatty Posts: 1 Newbie

I bought the 100 gold bars and the boosters x10 for 4.99. It came off my credit card but didn't add it to the game. Will I be able to get the things that I purchased or will I get my money back?


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,619 Soda Moderator

    Welcome to the King Community @katkittykatty. I am sorry you have an issue with your purchase! A purchase issue can be caused for very different reasons. In the lines below you can see different scenarios that might be triggering the problem in your transaction.

    Transactions are usually delivered instantly, but occasionally, it might take a bit longer.

    When there is a delay, the purchase is still being processed. There is no need to try purchasing the same item again - it should arrive soon.

    In the meantime please try the following troubleshooting steps:

    • Reboot your mobile device. Reboot your computer If you play on Facebook or
    • Make sure the Internet connection is working correctly. If possible try another Internet connection – for instance from WiFi to mobile data
    • Make sure you are logged into your App Store with the same account with which you made your purchase

    After you do this, there is a good chance that you got your purchase through and complete.

    If the problem isn’t solved please comment here below again.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,404 Candy Moderator

    Hello @katkittykatty Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗  

    I am sorry to hear that you have not received the items that were purchased!!

    Did my friend @Yosca suggestion worked and did you receive all your purchased items?

    If you are still having issue (which should not), I would suggest you to contact the King Support team through this link --->

    ** While filling out, enter the TOPIC as "Problems with Purchase" ---> the SUB-TOPIC as "Purchased Items not Received" ----> Explain briefly about the issue and Submit the form.  NOTE:  Along with above details, make sure to enter the Game Name correctly!

    After sending the complaint, you will be receiving an automated email as acknowledgement.  If you have not heard from them within 3 days, send a reply to that automated email you have received. 

    If you need further assistance or clarification, please post back by typing in the comment box given below.

    Hoping for the Best! Have a great rest of the day/evening! 🍬 🍬

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