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Screen layout issue - Soda Saga

Bricorn Posts: 518 Level 4

Bubblegum hill now locks me seeing how long to my next life. I can read it when it says FULL, but not the times. Resizing the screen to about 1/4 size works though, it's just a nuisance having to continually do that

Windows 10.

This started when I lost the 14 day team event and got the "Supersonic Lolly" - which I like BTW, though I mourn yet another way to get boosters closing.

Any ideas?



  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,418 Legend

    U using PC win 10? Maybe u can change ur pixel size for screen display?

  • Bricorn
    Bricorn Posts: 518 Level 4

    Thanks, I did say Windows 10.

    I use my PC for many things, only this game has changed, so I don't want to alter the settings because your game has changed.

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,418 Legend

    How abt other king games??? Or only this candy crush???

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551 Pro Player 👑

    Hi Group,

    Sounds very familiar, to my "Reduction In Size Issue, On My Icon". The icon for reading things, like your popsicle hammer amounts, striped popsicle, the hand / switch, & so on, are just too small to read. Have to stand up, get close to screen to see it. At my age, it's very annoying to have to keep doing this, since I am a disabled army veteran. After many e-mails to support, they can't fix it, even tho it was their update about a year ago that caused it.

    *See my post with screen shots below at:

    No games after Candy Crush Soda #4555. — King Community

    Most of Page 1, is about it.

    Very reluctant, to do another reset/reinstall, since I lost over 200+ popsicle hammers, gold, levels, etc...

    But if support, will give me back any loses on doing another reset/reinstall, to see if it will fix my issue, be willing to do it. I"ll just post screenshots of what I have in the game, before we do or attempt to reset/reinstall. Sounds fair, I think so. So @Sukanta_Biswas or any other King Community Superstar, please pass this on to them.

    *Stats that may help:

    I am on this: v1.164.200.0 Modified on 3/19/2020

    I only use Win 10 Pro - PC, Desktop App, for now. Yes, current on all updates on it.

    Win 10 Pro x64 - Version 1909 - OS Build 18363.752

    Live in USA.

    I await your replies.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551 Pro Player 👑

    *Tried an edit, lost the post again. So reposting. Can't seem to repost. Tried posting this at:

    Screen layout issue - Soda Saga

    But it won't let me post there, so trying to do it here under / New Discussion. *Now giving me a message, that it needs to be approved? What's going on, never got that message before? It seems I cannot post anywhere?

    Hi Group,

    Sounds very familiar, to my "Reduction In Size Issue, On My Icon". The icon for reading things, like your popsicle hammer amounts, striped popsicle, the hand / switch, & so on, are just too small to read. Have to stand up, get close to screen to see it. At my age, it's very annoying to have to keep doing this, since I am a disabled army veteran. After many emails to support, they can't fix it, even tho it was their update about a year ago that caused it.

    *See my post with screen shots below at:

    No games after Candy Crush Soda #4555. — King Community

    Most of Page 1, is about it / "Reduction In Size Issue, On My Icon".

    Very reluctant, to do another reset/reinstall, since I lost over 200+ popsicle hammers, gold, levels, etc...

    But if support, will give me back any loses on doing another reset/reinstall, to see if it will fix my issue, be willing to do it. I"ll just post screenshots of what I have in the game, before we do or attempt to reset/reinstall. Sounds fair, I think so. So @Sukanta_Biswas or any other King Community Superstar, please pass this on to them.

    *Stats that may help:

    I am on this: v1.164.200.0 Modified on 3/19/2020

    I only use Win 10 Pro - PC, Desktop App, for now. Yes, current on all updates on it.

    Win 10 Pro x64 - Version 1909 - OS Build 18363.752

    Live in USA.

    At end of game again, on Level 4630.

    I await your replies. On both this posting issue I am having, & on my suggestion to reset/reinstall, with recovery of any loses that might happen.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551 Pro Player 👑

    *Tried an edit, lost the post again. So reposting. Can't seem to repost. Tried posting this at:

    Screen layout issue - Soda Saga

    But it won't let me post there, so trying to do it here under / New Discussion. *Now giving me a message, that it needs to be approved? What's going on, never got that message before? It seems I cannot post anywhere?

    Hi Group,

    Sounds very familiar, to my "Reduction In Size Issue, On My Icon". The icon for reading things, like your popsicle hammer amounts, striped popsicle, the hand / switch, & so on, are just too small to read. Have to stand up, get close to screen to see it. At my age, it's very annoying to have to keep doing this, since I am a disabled army veteran. After many emails to support, they can't fix it, even tho it was their update about a year ago that caused it.

    *See my post with screen shots below at:

    No games after Candy Crush Soda #4555. — King Community

    Most of Page 1, is about it / "Reduction In Size Issue, On My Icon".

    Very reluctant, to do another reset/reinstall, since I lost over 200+ popsicle hammers, gold, levels, etc...

    But if support, will give me back any loses on doing another reset/reinstall, to see if it will fix my issue, be willing to do it. I"ll just post screenshots of what I have in the game, before we do or attempt to reset/reinstall. Sounds fair, I think so. So @Sukanta_Biswas or any other King Community Superstar, please pass this on to them.

    *Stats that may help:

    I am on this: v1.164.200.0 Modified on 3/19/2020

    I only use Win 10 Pro - PC, Desktop App, for now. Yes, current on all updates on it.

    Win 10 Pro x64 - Version 1909 - OS Build 18363.752

    Live in USA.

    At end of game again, on Level 4630.

    I await your replies. On both this posting issue I am having, & on my suggestion to reset/reinstall, with recovery of any loses that might happen.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend

    Hi @Origins7_Dale

    Thank you for full information.

    I will discuss this issue with our team.😊

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551 Pro Player 👑
    edited March 2020

    Hi Group,

    Lets see if I can post now. Ok, I can. So now editing, to complete this post. Looks like some of the post from 4 days ago, came back, that I lost. Very strange things going on here, at least for me.

    Thx @Sukanta_Biswas, I also emailed support, since everywhere I went on site, I couldn't post or even use my inbox to notify anyone on this issue. Fabio, is the one I emailed, on the 30th. No reply yet, so if your team can look into this great.

    He did say, support would give me back any loses on a reset/reinstall. I need to screenshot my inventory first, so we have a record. But, before we do that, really need to know, why I couldn't post for like 3-4 days? Before that happened, editing was a problem, if I did an edit, I would lose the post, so then reposted, it's just crazy. Think I did like 4-5 repost here, just look above. Those came back, before that, I only got 1 repost to come back, that took a day, I lost all the other ones I did.

    Well good to be back. Going to try to give a tip at "New Discussions", see if that message comes back, wanting me to wait on approval of the post first.

    Please keep me informed on this, might happen to me again, on not being able to post or edit.

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


    P.S. Last thing I need, is to post my inventory, then lose it, & not get anything back from support, after the reset/reinstall is done. I have over 300 popsicle hammers, alone right now, or very close to that amount, may have used a few.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?