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free videos

2e0wds Posts: 1 Newbie

I have been playing quite a while now and still do not get any free videos to watch to get extra lives.any ideas plz..tnx

Best Answer

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,748 Soda Moderator
    Answer βœ“

    Hello and welcome to the Community @2e0wds Some group of players get the ads for lives or boosters and some don’t. You can’t enforce it. I've been playing the game myself for years, but I've never seen ads for extras.


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,748 Soda Moderator
    Answer βœ“

    Hello and welcome to the Community @2e0wds Some group of players get the ads for lives or boosters and some don’t. You can’t enforce it. I've been playing the game myself for years, but I've never seen ads for extras.

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