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hatedbymost76 Posts: 1 Newbie

I am linked through my Facebook so why is it trying to start me over at the beginning?


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,820 Candy Moderator
    edited July 2020

    Hello @hatedbymost76 Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community πŸ€—

    I am sorry to hear that your game is starting at level # 1!

    Are you having this issue on a mobile device or on a PC?

    If you are on mobile, can you please go into your "Profile" and check whether you are logged in or not?

    ** If you are logged into the game, it will show your name and picture. And if you are logged out, you will see the name as "Player" and a random picture will be shown.

    Please post back and let me know what it shows there. You can simply type your reply in the comment box given below.

    Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the day 🍬 🍬

  • Loveth_NP
    Loveth_NP Posts: 1,741 Level 5
  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615 Level 5

    Sign out and login again to your game Make sure your email is written correctly Make sure you are connected to the Internet Try to update your game There are some features under test that may work in an inconsistent manner The result of the test appears or disappears Do not worry

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