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Why can’t we choose how to use our boosters if we paid for them?

Eve93082 Posts: 1 Newbie

Why does candy crush/candy crush soda make you use your paid boosters in useless parts of the level? why cant we choose where we want to use our boosters if we paid for them? Why can’t we choose where to place our chocolate balls, fish, colored balls ect. where we want to? Like if I choose to use my chocolate booster ball, colored ball, fish, striped candy and bomb candy on a level that has several sections it places All of them in the same section on the first section of the level and it forces you to use them against your will and once you use one it automatically causes a chain reaction and activates all the boosters in one section. So now there is 2 more sections of the level to complete and now all my boosters are gone and I can’t pass the level with out paying more money....So why can’t we use those boosters the same as the switch hand, hammer candy or the strip hammer candy and just use them where we want according to when it’s needed in that level. Can you please allow people who pay for boosters to use them where it’s needed. It’s only fair because we are paying customers... when you place those boosters in Unnecessary sections of the level it seems as if you are cheating us and we don’t deserve that as your loyal paying customers!


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