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Re: tickets won "reward". After winning 8 tickets, one is eligible for a reward "purchase"/

Judy_Cardamone Posts: 61 Level 3

This is about the third time this has happened. I win the 8th ticket. Have 24 hrs to use "discount" reward but there are NO GAMES left to play. I have to wait until new games are available and that usually takes several days. Seems a bit unfair. If there are no games available, the 24 hr time limit should be lifted or postponed.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @Judy_Cardamone Hi and welcome, This is the way the game has always worked, As you are at the end of the levels there will be times when this will happen. The feature may not be of much use to those at the last levels but the amount of players on this is minimal in terms of percentage against the number of people that play it.

    This happens with a few features in all king games and is a downside to be on the end of the map. Some features are just not possible to do or use

    Thank you

  • Judy_Cardamone
    Judy_Cardamone Posts: 61 Level 3

    So "too bad, so sad" is your answer. That sucks. You basically are punishing players for staying with you. WOW.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @Judy_Cardamone So sad because you do not like the answer. would you rather a lie. The community is to help and support we do not have any say on how the game is run. The game studio implement these things in to the game. We are all players like yourself and we all have exactly the same issues as this. You are at the end of the map like many in the community and they will all tell you the same. There are some features we get that are no use to us as we are at the end of the map but that feature is good for many many players, Do the game studio remove it because its not good for a small percentage of players at the last level.

    I think not

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?