Looking for guild

Level 1
I can join in a bit over a day from now.
I play daily and can add a lot of trophies.
I don't need to join a rank 1 team but I want to be competitive. It's not fun to play when some members of a guild aren't even trying.
Anyone interested?
If you like to join, my team called JAZZ CRASH'IN. Currently, on second spot, each week i need you to collect 1000 trophies as minimum. Hope you can find my team name.
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Yeah sure, I'll look.
But, I cant join for about 34 hours. So, I hope you have some spots open. I can get more trophies than that
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Sure, i can save you a spot, remind me once your cooldown is end. I don't like to pressure my teammate, so we can still have fun while playing the game.
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Makes sense.
But I do think it's good to kick inactive players sometimes if they have no excuse for it. I hope we can try to be competitive. That's my goal
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Yep, if some players are inactive, i had to remove them for the new active players. And to make it fair for everyone in my team, they need to earn 5000 trophies throughout the 5 weeks ( thats why i give the minimum a week is 1000 trophies, cause i know some of them are busy too in real life. ). If they can earn more, i've always appreciated it a lots. See ya.
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Ill be trying to join in about 7 hours ish
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How many spots do you have open? In about 7ish hrs I'll be able to join a team!
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Tell me what your name is, so i can recall it. Sometime team full, keep check again for it when i clear some inactive players again. Remembers, always play fair together.
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@ThinkingTime heeey friend, how are you? if you still need an active team with projection to the first place, i invite you to join my clan, look for us as Sacred Isoodons
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Hi! If you plan to join a team to receive a seasonal prize, I can accept you to my team - “ZeTeam”. We are in a top 10 on the leadership board as of right now, but we would gladly accept help from more Crashes and Cocos during the last week of the season.