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Bubble gum hill

LKobet Posts: 3 Newbie

I had 50 energy, was forced to buy 100 for 25 gold bars more to play and was only able to play one time. Anyone else having issues with the new format of bubble gum hill?


  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551 Pro Player 👑

    Hi @LKobet,

    We have a *Main Thread on BGH at:

    Most of *Page 175, deals with the *New 3 Level BGH. My post, deals with getting *Energy. So I will be closing this thread. Your questions, have been asked & answered above.

    Here are a few things to help you out.

    • Always read *Page 1 / *Rules First, on the forum, thread, discussion, contest, etc... you are on. It is the "Key" on posting. Tells you what it is about. Along on what to do. About 90% of your questions will be answered here. This includes reading *Terms & Conditions!


    • How To Tag A Player!

    For the "Newbies", to "Tag" a player use:Β 

    @ then start typing "Name of Player" you want.Β 

    Once the full name appears on the drop down list, "Click" on it.Β 

    It will "Highlight" the name in "Bold Black Ink", like mine @Origins7_Dale means you did it right.

    Player has been "Tagged" now.

    "Tagging" sends an email to the player, to notify them, you want to discuss or call attention to something.

    If you do not use "Tagging", your "Post" just sits there, or never gets answered, until someone "Tags" you on it. Best to "Tag" on "ALL" your posts, much faster responses to your questions or posts, since this is a very large Community of posters.

    *See also:


    Thx For Posting & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


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