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Still not getting any special events such as bubblegum hill.

Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

Have asked about lack of special events before. It was suggested I updated and checked memory available. All done still nothing


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,753 Soda Moderator

    Hello and welcome to the Community @Stiglet I am sorry to hear you miss some events. Bubblegum Hill isnโ€™t around right now, because there is another event: Springtime Mystery, which I donโ€™t have either in my game. To see special events/features your device needs to have at least 2 GB free storage memory for the game.

    Do you have Teams and Mr. Toffeeโ€™s Fair in your game? Some features are still in testing phase and that means itโ€™ll be rolled out slowly to more players.

    All we can advise is log out of the game, clear cache, power off your device for at least 1 minute, restart device, check for updates game and device and log back into the game. I really hope youโ€™ll see some events/features ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Thanks for your answe r. Have done as you have suggested and now waiting to see what happens. Nothing so far

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Has said something about springtime mystery but not getting it to play

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie

    Hello @Stiglet if you havenโ€™t had any special events for awhile, then there are 2 options (that I see) play level and wait for events OR start over level 1 with new profile. I myself waited for special events on my game for over 8-9 months before I got some events to play.

    if you choose option 1, keep login/logout and clear cache often.

    Good Luck ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Wait months to get special levels. How crazy is that. Seriously think I might just delete this game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?