Cannot open Soda online?
Best Answers
Hi @fabke,
See *PM you started. Answered you there.
Post info here for CM, so she has it. Don't include your *Email here, list it at *PM if needed.
I believe you want to connect your info from *The King Community to your *King Games, if I understand this correctly. But need your *Password to do so.
Check & see, if *The King Community has an option to *Recover Password at the *Log In. Since you posted here, you must be *Logged In to post.
It does, just checked. Says: *Forgot!
Here is *URL for *Password Request below!
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @fabke @Nix66 @Yosca @LadyRaffie,
Here is the *PM Link for CM @LadyRaffie on this at:
- LadyRaffie, fabke — King Community
Every time you post at a *PM it changes the *URL!
A number of things here, to ask. Did your other games work other than *Soda? If they did, then you have a *Connection / Network Issue with *Soda only.
Might be on your end, or the *Soda Server end. So first, need to contact your *ISP, troubleshoot with them first. Things like:
- Any *Outages In your area?
- Did your *Gateway / Modem / Router have an *Update recently? If so, may not have taken it correctly. May need to Re-Update!
Once you troubleshoot with them, can go from there. Have to follow *Cause & Effect to its logical conclusion.
Would help us on:
- *Device you use to play on?
- *Soda Version you are on?
- *Any screenshots of issue or *Error Codes you got?
You said you changed the *Password, so might take time for the *Databases to *Update this change. Give it 24 hours or so. Then try, see what happens. Along with checking with *ISP above.
Need details to help you. Otherwise, it is just a guessing game.
Trust this helps.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @fabke @Nix66 @LadyRaffie,
Clearly you do have a *Network Issue, because you posted it above. With this:
- * In Red: Problems with connection. Try later again.
Changing your *Password is not going to help you, assuming that is what you are still doing. Not a good idea to keep changing it, solves nothing. In fact, it makes things worse. May have corrupted your own connection doing this.
Hard to say, which end the problem is on, might be both *Soda Server & you changing things. So follow what I suggested above, with your *ISP. Btw, wifi connections are the worse way to play on, they are iffy at best. If you have a *PC, suggest you connect to it *Directly. That will improve your connection tremendously. Direct connections are always best.
Even better, is use the *PC / Win 10 Desktop App, on gaming. A lot of problems solved on connection doing this.
The rest of it, will have to wait on CM, or see what your *ISP says, after you troubleshoot.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @fabke @LadyRaffie, @Nix66 @Yosca,
See my post below please.
- Why won't Candy Crush Soda Saga connect to the internet - Page 2 — King Community
- *See my post above. Has info on getting it all back, after a *Reinstall!
Once you read the above, recontact *Scarlet, see if she will do it for you. Can save your screenshots here, at this post as a *Reference Point. Or wait on CM if you like.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hello everyone!
@fabke You don't have an issue with your password, you have an issue with the server. Have you followed the instructions that King Support gave you? I would follow them and my advice is since you are already talking to them I think the best action is to follow up on that support and those emails. They will be able to help you out on this more than us 🤗
Hi @fabke,
See *PM you started. Answered you there.
Post info here for CM, so she has it. Don't include your *Email here, list it at *PM if needed.
I believe you want to connect your info from *The King Community to your *King Games, if I understand this correctly. But need your *Password to do so.
Check & see, if *The King Community has an option to *Recover Password at the *Log In. Since you posted here, you must be *Logged In to post.
It does, just checked. Says: *Forgot!
Here is *URL for *Password Request below!
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @LadyRaffie,
- Cannot open Soda online? — King Community
I changed my *Password on King* CM can you help me now. Do not know how long it takes for the *Databases to update my change.
I only can play offline and i'm at the top of the game.
Can you please help me @LadyRaffie
Thanks for helping me @Origins7_Dale
Hi @fabke @Nix66 @Yosca @LadyRaffie,
Here is the *PM Link for CM @LadyRaffie on this at:
- LadyRaffie, fabke — King Community
Every time you post at a *PM it changes the *URL!
A number of things here, to ask. Did your other games work other than *Soda? If they did, then you have a *Connection / Network Issue with *Soda only.
Might be on your end, or the *Soda Server end. So first, need to contact your *ISP, troubleshoot with them first. Things like:
- Any *Outages In your area?
- Did your *Gateway / Modem / Router have an *Update recently? If so, may not have taken it correctly. May need to Re-Update!
Once you troubleshoot with them, can go from there. Have to follow *Cause & Effect to its logical conclusion.
Would help us on:
- *Device you use to play on?
- *Soda Version you are on?
- *Any screenshots of issue or *Error Codes you got?
You said you changed the *Password, so might take time for the *Databases to *Update this change. Give it 24 hours or so. Then try, see what happens. Along with checking with *ISP above.
Need details to help you. Otherwise, it is just a guessing game.
Trust this helps.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
I use Play store to download
I downloaded Soda Tuesday and Wednesday I had already 93 levels.
I play on Android Samsung, my mobile
Friends was good, online, only I could not open candy crush online yesterday Wednesday.
So at night I changed password candy crush and I could not go online at Soda, could start at 94 offline.
Friends I had to start from level 1.
I cleared my cache, put my mobile off, updated, refresh.
Changed password Friends and it worked again from level 569, changed Candy Crush.
Changed password Soda, didn't work, give error and if I changed password, Friends changes also, starting from level 1. Candy crush still working.
Tried already 20 times for Soda.
I don't have a Network problem, it's from WiFi Telenet Belgium or mobile Proximus Belgium.
Have plenty of GB.
New functions updated from Candy Soda Wednesday, June 9 from Play Store, but no problems after.
149 MB, version 1.195.6
I tried to login Soda with King.
* In Red: Problems with connection. Try later again.
But if I want to log in, he ask email and password. Even saying forget password, give new, give also error.
Hi @fabke @Nix66 @LadyRaffie,
Clearly you do have a *Network Issue, because you posted it above. With this:
- * In Red: Problems with connection. Try later again.
Changing your *Password is not going to help you, assuming that is what you are still doing. Not a good idea to keep changing it, solves nothing. In fact, it makes things worse. May have corrupted your own connection doing this.
Hard to say, which end the problem is on, might be both *Soda Server & you changing things. So follow what I suggested above, with your *ISP. Btw, wifi connections are the worse way to play on, they are iffy at best. If you have a *PC, suggest you connect to it *Directly. That will improve your connection tremendously. Direct connections are always best.
Even better, is use the *PC / Win 10 Desktop App, on gaming. A lot of problems solved on connection doing this.
The rest of it, will have to wait on CM, or see what your *ISP says, after you troubleshoot.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
@Origins7_Dale thanks for all your help and time.
I hope your CM can still help me, I will close the game now.
Maybe we get some good news.
I'm starting level 100, but stopped.
But I was winning, now I'm loosing everything, what you think I have to do. I'm playing offline, winning nothing, no Mr Toffee's fair for xtra wins or the daily reward you get for 2 hrs. No champion streak
But I never had problems with crush and Friends.
@Origins7_Dale before I got a answer from you, I also wrote to King and they suggest to reinstall the game app. What do you think? I go to sleep now, it's morning here.
@LadyRaffie what would you do?
------- response King Player Relations
Thank you for your response and for sharing the screenshot with us.
I'm sorry to hear that you are not being able to connect to your account due to this error message, I will now proceed to assist your further!
What we can do now is delete the game app and reinstall it. Here's how to delete and reinstall an app from your device:
- Go to your device's Settings menu.
- Open the Apps or Application manager menu (this may differ depending on your device),
- Touch the app you’d like to uninstall and select Uninstall.
Important! This step Can erase all Saved Boosters, Extra Lives, Daily Bonus, and/or Special In-Game Challenges from your device. We can compensate for any lost purchases but we do not replace any free items that were awarded while playing. Please keep this in mind before performing this action.
However, I'll be happy to send you a few boosters to get you back on track as this was an advised reinstallation. Please note that we do not recommend reinstalling the game without the advice of King Support as this step always deletes all saved boosters and even some special events and features that we cannot reinstate back in your game.
I hope this works for you and I'm looking forward to your reply. Have a great day, Fabke!
Kind Regards, Scarlet