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  • NancyJS7
    NancyJS7 Posts: 0


    This new set up to get lives from friends sucks. Change it back please.

  • JONH10
    JONH10 Posts: 27,827
    edited May 2023

    1. When I get into the game, I just always like to follow on the Shipmates and the hunts for the wonderful balls of Batula.

    2. Using the weekday timed boosters and also trying to conquer some Batula Legendary Balls boosters.

    3. In my opinion, there are two types of pop-up which are the daily bonus and the 4-in-a-row missions. Because those are the ones that make me most interested in trying to get the boosters.

    4. The supersonic lollipops will always help me a lot in the game, when I had the old cell phone I had more than 200 to get several gold pins in the first attempt at the levels, but now that I'm using my new cell phone (obviously) I've lost the boosters I had from the game, suddenly I have little.

    5. Well, nothing for now.

    And thank you very much, those were my opinion. 😊

  • Ladyelle
    Ladyelle Posts: 8

    Level 2

    It’s all great but today I had a 60second ad for the first time…..

    It has always been under 30seconds which is fine as I understand money revenue, but the new owners are trying this trick of a one minute ad….it’s not correct and totally wrong.

    I’m now just closing app, refreshing and start again… doesn’t bother me, but I won’t support making such long advertisements.

  • 342
    342 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    edited June 2023

    When you open the game, is there any specific routine you like to follow?

    ----------- I tend to check the subs (4 in a row, birthday cake, social) first then begin playing

    How important is it for you to get a golden pin by beating a level on the first try?

    ---------- Fur me the golden pin has no meaning

    Is there any particular pop up you pay extra attention to and why?

    ---------- 4 ina row. To see if the row is complete.

    What is important for you to know after you’ve won or lost a level?

    ---------- If I completed 4 in a row

    What in the game do you find most irrelevant and would like to remove?

    ---------- Playing with other players to reaxch a goal.

    ----------Mystery Detective Season. This slows down the game and the rewards are limited

    Other suggestionx:

    ----------Birthday Cake last for 7 days instead for the current 6

    ---------Sync the timing of the Birthday Cake with the drop of new levels every Friday

    ---------Add diagonals to complete 4 in a row

  • barry515
    barry515 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I 1st review 4 in a row although the ship sinking has taken priority. We need more puzzles quicker. Sitting at 11621

  • jened
    jened Posts: 12

    Level 2

    The questions you ask are irrelevant. I have played all king games for years and one be one I am uninstalling them. I have spent so much money but as of late I refuse to buy anything as it appears the game has become all about money and lost all enjoyment. I have already deleted candy saga and I’m very close to removing Soda too. I understand that you can’t get through every level on the first or even 10 tries but the game isn’t what it used to be. It purposely destroys any booster you make and the fish don’t help at all taking things that don’t help you. Your non stop messaging between levels to buy this or that is actually off-putting. As I said I will never spend another cent whilst I am not enjoying the game. Uninstalling is more my answer

  • susbus
    susbus Posts: 10

    Level 2

  • teeweiping
    teeweiping Posts: 8,839
    • When you open the game, is there any specific routine you like to follow? Normally I will go to search a certain level that I wish to play after I open my game.
    • How important is it for you to get a golden pin by beating a level on the first try? A golden pin is not important to me but the rainbow streak is, because we get the free booster only after we beat the level on the first try. I still can pass those levels without free boosters sometimes but with extra free boosters it is much more easier for me to pass a level.
    • Is there any particular pop up you pay extra attention to and why? I only pay attention to weekly contest because there is no way for me to check my progress on weekly contest.
    • What is important for you to know after you’ve won or lost a level? When I won a level, I need to know how is the score look like because I need to participate the contest in King community. When I lost a level, I will keep trying. But if I keep losing a level, I need to know what's the strategy that I need to win back that level.
    • What in the game do you find most irrelevant and would like to remove? "Rescue buddy" should make it easier to finish as it's become much more impossible to finish after me at higher level. My progress of passing those higher levels is slowing down so I normally won't be able to finish the "rescue buddy".

  • lcmg250
    lcmg250 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I really dislike how you've changed the opening screen of each level so you can no longer see the rankings. I used to enjoy playing previous levels to improve my score or rise in the rank. Now, that info is only visible after you complete the level. Why did you change it?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?