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Could we get an update on the progress of Bake a Cake and Kimmy's Arcade?

DanishWolf Posts: 62 Level 2

I play via FB, so have never got any option to watch ads for extra help or lives, and what other players seems to get. Winning games is my only way to get boosters, and the two main booster games are currently 'off' to get fixed. Sadly with the bad timing of when I was/am unusually low on boosters = I now have pretty much none left. I have gotten so few levels compared to my normal playing.

Doesn't help that I get matched in 4 in a Row with people who don't of barely play, so it takes 1-2 days to win that 1-2 boosters, occasionally by myself, and despite of picking people who clear multiple levels, for my Battleship game friends, it can still take 2-3 days to possibly win it.

I would rather have glitchy Cake and Arcade games than none at all.


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?