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game framing

mommabird1234 Posts: 4

Level 1

edited March 2024 in Discussions

i had lost my google account so i couldnt get my old game i played before i was on level1337 so now i have started from 1-but my game does not have the the window that tells you your rewards or bonus framed in the center of my computer it off to the side let me know if you can *Edited by CM: That's too much personal information. For your own safety and protection do not share your email address - Our House Rules  thank you


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hello @mommabird1234 and welcome to Soda community!

    Please note that sharing personal infos like email addresses is not allowed on this forum for safety reason.

    As for your post, I'm not sure I understand the type of problem you're experiencing

    Did you lose access to your old account? If so please contact King Player Support from your new account and ask them to manually restore your progress so you don't have to start over

    • How to contact Player Support from Soda app in mobile devices and Windows 10, 11 computers: launch soda app - visit settings- click "?" icon- visit "my game progress"- "how do I save progress"- scroll down and click "contact us". Make sure to select the correct topics: "lost progress or items" and "I lost my progress". Explain your problem, add your current level and send.

    Check out this guide for directions step by step: 👇️

    How to contact Support from the game app to report Lost progress issues!

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    If Daily Bonus feature is not working properly in your game, then the issue is known and Soda Studio is working on it to fix it.

    You may find the latest update here, on the discussion dedicated to this topic.

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