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In game issues

keenids23 Posts: 14

Level 2

Hello. I experience a number of in-game issues that have been present since the game changed platforms.

  1. My level has stopped increasing. It is stuck at the same level since the beginning of the year
  2. When I enter the game, my team, the challenges and my progress in the race are not showing. The only way to make them appear is to migrate to an earlier level (say 100 levels lower then where i am) and then everything appears. If I forget doing this, my gameplay does not count for the race or the challenges.When I migrate back to the latest level, everything is still there. If I do not do this, they only appear spontaneously when I win a level, but not always.
  3. I receive lives from friends, but not from my teammates. I know they send them but i never receive them.
  4. Since a week the challenge board has disappeared completely. There is no way to make it reappear.
  5. There are several levels that have serious bugs. Sometimes two candies (or two other elements in the game) are on top of each other, sometimes fishes swim to places but do not do anything, sometimes candies do not do what they are supposed to do. Since it is all animated fast, it is hard to take screeenshots or tell exactly what goes wrong, but i estimate that 1 in every 5 levels has serious issues. Ususally the game does not crash, it resolves the problems in the next move, but it makes gameplay a rather random experience.

Best Answer

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer ✓

    @keenids23 Not sure why your game language would change as this is read from your device.

    MTF has gone missing for a few people, so this is probably due to a temporary issue or that the groups for the feature have changed. MTF is a test feature and these are given to groups of randomly selected people. So could just mean your not in that group at present but could be in the future

    Thank you



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hello and welcome to the community @keenids23. I'l tag our superstar @Sukanta_Biswas so he can help you with this.

  • Hi @keenids23, @Sukanta_Biswas @kiara_wael @Yosca,

    Well from what you have said, I think it will be a overwhelming agreement on this. You have a "Corrupted" game, even worse, it has been going on since the beginning of the year. But, just to be sure on this, I have "Tagged" 2 Superstars, along with another Game Expert, for you.

    So, what would be of great help here, is the "Device" you use to play on. So need to post that, for them. I do not use Wifi Devices on gaming, only use "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App". But the other players I tagged do use them. Including, iPad & Android. I will forgive them on that. (hehe)

    As far as my suggestion goes on this, there is only one solution, uninstalling / reinstalling the game. It will cost you to do this, why I gave a link below.

    The very fact you have so many issues, is the "Indicator" that your files are "Corrupted", which will also affect things like trying to get *Updated Correctly.

    So go ahead & post the info on "Device". Might have to wait on them, since everyone has different hours, along with being from different parts of the world. You can look at these links below, along with other tech. or troubleshooting tips. Think we are beyond that, but can't hurt.

    As Boosters are items saved directly onto your device's memory (so you can use them offline), reinstalling the game will, unfortunately, delete all of these items. If you lose any Boosters that you have purchased please reach out to our team using the 'Contact us' option and we'll be delighted to get you back on track. 

    Take Care & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Welcome @keenids23 and thanks @Origins7_Dale @Marriam 😊

    Hi Keenids23, I would first like to know at what level you are currently in the game and which device / platform you're using for this game?

    Please show me both screenshots of the game map from Page and your current game platform because I guess your game app has a connection problem so your game progress is not syncing with the server.

    However, at the moment I am asking you to follow the steps below.

    Check App Update > Log Out Game > Restart Device > Open Game & Log in.

    Please let me know if you have the same problem after doing this.

    Please note, once you log in to the game you won't find few challenges or features, but they will come back once you pass a level.


  • keenids23
    keenids23 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hello Sukanta - thanks for your kind answer.

    I am playing Candy Crush Soda on Firefox with cookies enabled for Note that all other games are functioning properly- i only have problems with candy crush soda. I am aware that some challenges spawn only after completing a level. I have passed several levels, but the toffee fair has disappeared completely (only recently), and my race and team only show up after migrating and re-migrating, as i said before - since the beginning of this game early 2020. It does not matter from which PC, windows version or Firefox version i play - the behavior is always the same. I only play from Windows-PC's with Firefox, though, never on an apple, phone or using a different browser (which i also do not want to).

    In the screenshots below you see the typical situation when i log in to candy crush soda. Again: note that all other games load properly and have no issues. The only global issue is that my King-level is stuck at 406 since beginning of this year and never changes (you can see that in picture 1). My king-level was 406 since late 2019.

    In picture 1 you can also see that my race, my challenge and my team are missing from the screen when i log in.

    In picture 2 you see how i migrate to a lower level via the magnet in the top right corner. I found this workaround by accident early 2020.

    In picture 3 you see that when i arrive at the lower level, the race and the team have appeared. The challenge hasn't but that is only recently; earlier this year also the challenge appeared after migrating.

    In picture 4 you can see that when i go back to my current level, my team and race are still there, and stay there until i stop playing. This situation has been like this from the very beginning of the new game. I cannot see races, team or challenges unless i migrate and re-migrate first.

    My progress in the game is correctly displayed (with the exception of my KING- level which is stuck at 406) so there is connection with the server.Restarting the browser, or the entire PC, does not have any positive effect. It does have a negative effect: after restarting (even after closing the TAB) i will have to perform the migration-workaround again in order to see my team, race and challenge.

    I understand that it is convenient to blame the problem on my system, browser, or settings - but it does not make sense to me that in a setting that plays all games correctly (and displaying all progress correctly) only candy crush soda should behave weirdly. I seriously suspect that this is a specific in-game problem in candy crush soda.

    Hope to have informed you better this time, regards, keenids

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @keenids23 Hi and welcome, The 406 in your first picture is your ranking not your level and this will take ages to get to 407 as this is one of the highest ranks i have seen.

    For you other issues try clearing the browser cache in Firefox and any other browsers and then restart your device and see if this resolves your issue. You will have to play a couple of levels for some features to start appearing to you

  • keenids23
    keenids23 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hi Freddy!

    Thanks for your kind answer. As a long time player I know that clearing the cache can solve issues sometimes, although it can cause other issues simultaneously at times. Of course, I have tried this already. I have had issues before, but never only in 1 game. If i had trouble, I had trouble in all King games, but this time it is CCS only. Which strikes me as odd.

    I am aware that level 406 is high, and it did take me a long long time to get there (although I do know some players that are well ahead of me, and who are also around for many many years). It indeed took months to get from 405 to 406. There is a little progress bar that shows how slow you are advancing to the next level. Since I stopped playing the games on flash, this progress bar does not move anymore. It is stuck forever, despite the fact that I have passed a great number of levels in different games this year. I have played almost daily for the past 12 months, and there is no more progress, unless i play one of the old flash games, but i have finished most of them.

    My aforementioned problems still persist, but odd enough since my last post my in-game language changed from my native language (Dutch) to English without me doing anything at all.

    As I told before, all the problems I described are not recent (apart from the toffee fair completely disappearing) but have persisted throughout the entire year of 2020 no matter which browser or computer I use.

    Thanks anyway for your patience, and have a great Christmas... K

  • keenids23
    keenids23 Posts: 14

    Level 2


    My Game Language has changed again, without me doing anything

    I still have an incomplete screen at login

    The Toffee Fair icon is gone and stays gone no matter what i do. Does anyone else have a missing Toffee fair Icon?

    The last time i saw the Toffee fair I won an hour unlimited playing while I was still in the previous hour of unlimited playing. The result was that I had 90 minutes unlimited playing. Could this have messed up a parameter that never changes back to zero anymore?


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer ✓

    @keenids23 Not sure why your game language would change as this is read from your device.

    MTF has gone missing for a few people, so this is probably due to a temporary issue or that the groups for the feature have changed. MTF is a test feature and these are given to groups of randomly selected people. So could just mean your not in that group at present but could be in the future

    Thank you

  • keenids23
    keenids23 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Hello People

    An update: Candy Crush Soda is still behaving weird, no matter how often I clear my cache. Actually, clearing my cache has only one effect: King does not recognize me anymore, and I get beginner's tips in every game - i lose my team and my race in CCSS, and all my messages and gifts from other players in other games, but CCSS still behaves weird:

    • Team and race not visible in the first screen - usually they appear after 1 or 2 games.
    • Every single time i login the game tells me that I have to become member of a team and lets me "join" my own team
    • The game does tell me I make points for the team after a level but the points are often not credited to me. Instead, they go to another team member (the team leader, who never plays, suddenly gets a lot of points because of me) or they are disappearing
    • I cannot help my team members and they cannot help me. I do get lives from people outside the team though.
    • Special events have disappeared and do not come back.

    I am very sure this is more than a "please clear your cache" problem - the game itself also malfunctions on certain levels, with candies appearing on top of each other or in places where they are not supposed to be, fishes swimming to non-existent tiles and - most obviously - the game suggesting moves that are impossible, causing the game to freeze when the game suggests an impossible move AND there is no alternative move - in these cases the game keeps flashing the impossible move, but when you try to do it it will refuse to.

    With all these issues, no special events and nothing to do for your team, the game is a worse experience than it was in Flash.

    And last but not least: could someone remove the "suggestions" made by the game. It is annoying and it is misleading - to the embarrassing point where you are one move away from completing a level - you know which move to make - and the game is FLASHING the WRONG move that makes you LOSE... people, you cannot do that, especially not to children.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    This game has so many problems that it would be enough for a dozen other games.

    But in your case, everything indicates that your main problem is your gadget.

    Update your gadget software. I do not mean the software of the game, but the software of the gadget (iOS, Android, Win10 or others). Because perhaps the software version of your gadget is outdated for support and game updates (I had one). Make the platform of your gadget the newest.

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