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Bake a Cake- no rewards/ event disappearing



  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,268

    I also got the message about the reward, I entered the game, but I didn't get a reward. Was able to play the last level in the penultimate row, got this reward and then lost the hat. I also received the final reward.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    I think the situation with the cake is like this.

    If you are online in the game while baking a cake, you will receive prizes. You can bake a cake or just watch other players on your team do it.

    If you are online, you receive prizes. If you have not entered the game at this time, you will not receive anything (only read messages in the team chat).

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    Hi @LadyRaffie I never even get the cake and I play soda every day. I usually get the messages but never get the cake or the rewards, the event is always over before I get the notification. Now I am getting messages on a Friday to say I have 2 hours left at the same time another message saying it’s over.

  • matrix23
    matrix23 Posts: 1

    Level 1


  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited January 2021

    Hi CM's @Lola_Pop @LadyRaffie @Yosca, @Pitty_Kitty,

    Hi LOL Lollipops "Admin" @candycrushinit @Sofia1992 @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @earmanja794 & Now "The Sweet Legend" @Werner_Cichy, & @Sharon_Loose, @giotaki @Glenn1972, @Gumyupawpaw, & myself,

    I also got those "False Messages" that @Pitty_Kitty @Sharon_Loose posted above.

    We got the "Bake A Cake" today, 1/11/2021. I was "Notified" that a reward was available, the team had beaten the 1st Tier / Level, however no reward was given.

    This is now a total of 3 Tiers of "Rewards" I have not gotten on this cake.

    • 1st x - No "Rewards" for first 2 Tiers! *Posted on 11/18/2020 at Page 3. The post might have been moved.
    • 2nd x - No "Reward" for first 1 Tier! *Posted on 1/11/2021 at Page 6, screenshot below.

    • Bake A Cake - 1st Tier Done By Team - No Reward Given - I Was Given A Notification To Collect Reward - Candy Crush Soda Saga - Origins7 Dale

    1st Tier is done, but no reward given. Not certain what the "Reward" is, but it is 2 of something now.

    I again ask, not only for myself, but also for the rest of the team, to please "Compensate" these losses we keep having on this cake. Playing for nothing, is not only unfair to our team, but given this event is even more difficult as you go up the tiers.

    For my teammates, it would be a good idea to keep track, on what you didn't get, then post it here.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 

    I only use "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App", for now. Signed into "Facebook" also!


  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hello @Origins7_Dale , I been getting the false messages too! 😀

    Every time I get ready to bake - it's gone. There is no wonder I still can't cook 😂

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    Hi Dale, I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you get the opportunity to attempt to bake a piece of the cake you don’t get any rewards. I have only ever had the cake once before today. I think that’s because the cake is baked too quickly by other members of the team. If the cake is already baked then the event will not appear for those of us who are on different time zones or don’t play until the evening. Today I opened the app during the day which is unusual for me and the cake was there although almost finished. Even though I lost the level that I tried and got dishwashing duties I got the rewards for the tiers that were completed after I arrived. The rewards are much appreciated.

    May I suggest that the day that bake a cake comes out that each team member only bakes one piece to give everyone a chance to join in. After all the event lasts 3 days so why rush to finish it before other team members are even able to get the event due to either being asleep or working etc.

    thanks everyone

  • Hi @Sharon_Loose,

    Well, it shouldn't be for only those who play, because it is in a team app. However, this cake is still glitchy. False messages, bad language issues, not getting rewards, after being notified, etc...

    It should either be removed, until it is fixed, or replaced by something that does work.

    But, for now, it is probably good advice to let everyone, at least play one piece of it. See if we get all the rewards that way.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900

    Yes I agree @Origins7_Dale it was just my observations after getting it for the first time in weeks.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?