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(FINISHED) Spring Soda Games - Archery! 🎯



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited April 2021

    Hi @headoperations @LadyRaffie @Yosca @Nix66,

    Clearly the CM cannot release the *Tiebreaker Info before the contest ends on the 21st. For the simple reason, it would give a unfair advantage to the teams who hit the *BullsEye, over those *Teams who haven't hit it yet.

    On the *Page 1 Posted:

    • (*Note: In case of a draw in some of the medals, the GB will be split among the winners, but all the winners will get the Medal) 

    • This needs *Removing / *Updating, the CM has other *Plans, on breaking the *Ties here between the teams. This will be announced by her, at the *End of the contest.

    I did remind our CM on *Removing it. She gets busy tho. You are more than welcome on asking it to be removed again. I certainly do not have the details on her plans, regarding which levels, if any, are going to be specific for the contest, how much the teams will be assigned, etc...

    Finally, my team had hit the *BullsEye, then after, I found out about a possible solution to the *Teams Tying issue.

    Btw, if the above stands now. Here is how it would be done.

    • Gold Medal + 440GB*
    • Silver Medal + 360 GB*
    • Bronze Medal + 220 GB*

    • *1020 divided by 27 Players on 7 Winning Teams = *37.7777 *Gold Bars Per Player!
    • *That is a big drop from *110 Gold Bars Per Player for 1st Place!

    The *Medal / Badge part is even more complicated, because of the wording listed above.

    We started with 3 player teams, then went to 3-4 player teams. So with *7 Teams Tied now, with perhaps more later. Trust our CM will have it worked out by the 21st or sooner.

    Being a *Participant in the contest, is not a issue. Both @Yosca & @Nix66 are in the contest also. Unless you think the girls are getting together in secret, to overthrow the *Team games or something. (hehe)

    I wouldn't worry about it to much, our CM is not giving us any advantage over the other teams.

    Trust this helps.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    edited April 2021

    Hi @Origins7_Dale. Hope you don't mind my asking, but was the tiebreak in the rules before the competition started? I 'm asking because, if it had been, I think that, as soon as one team had hit the target, the others would have been aiming to go slightly over or under the target in order to come second or third, avoiding a tiebreak and not losing out on gold bars altogether (which a number of teams will obviously do in a tiebreak).

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325

    Yes Exactly.

    There are rules In Draw Only so What Matter if There Are Draw in Between Two teams Or 7 Teams. All Players Will Win The Winner Badge And GB Will be Splitted .

    Please Dont Create Another new Rules Now.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited April 2021

    Hi @CassD, @Yosca @Nix66 @LadyRaffie,

    Yes, there was or is a *Tiebreaker in the rules now. But, it is not worded right. Not sure what we do on *Badges / Medals. Many are playing for the *Badge, others for both *Gold & Badge.

    Not how it works, at least on the *Gold Bars side of it. You total *Monies / Gold Bars, divided by number of teams tied, in this case we have 7 teams tied, only 3 places on Gold bars, so get the number above.

    The problem with @rajdeeptb solution is, 7 teams tied, so *All get 1st Place Badge, but who gets 2nd & 3rd Place Badges?

    Like I said, the wording is not right. Clearly, you can't win 1st Place, then be awarded for 2nd & 3rd also. Why I numbered the *Teams in Order of Hitting BullsEye. But again, it didn't say 1st to Hit BullsEye, did it.

    Like I said, our CM will have it worked out by the end of the contest on the 21st. She will have a fair way of solving the *Teams Tie issue.

    We have had *Rule Changes before. I am not fond of them, if they are after the contest starts. But, sometimes they are necessary, like in this case, was expecting some ties, but not *7 Teams Tying, & there might be more.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Hi @Origins7_Dale

    Thank you for clarifying this for me, as it's the first time I've participated in a team event.

    It was a glaring omission that there was no mention of the first team to hit the target as the winner, and the apparent omission of a tiebreak from the rules until now (I've never been involved in anything before where it has been possible to change the rules after a competition has started). The rounding down to 500,000 of all higher scores also made it easier to hit the target. I'm sure some teams have taken their time to hit the target because of the omissions.

    From my experience in other fields, if there are several teams tying for first place, they are all awarded gold and the silver and bronze medals (or badges) are not awarded.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,883

    It is now day 8 😊

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited April 2021

    Hi @CassD, @Yosca @Nix66 @LadyRaffie,

    Again, no problem here on *Ties getting the Gold Bars / Gold Medal. With the Silver Metal / Bronze Medal, not being awarded. However, what is done in one contest, doesn't mean it is done in another.

    Here is the problem, the last part of the statement.

    • (*Note: In case of a draw in some of the medals, the GB will be split among the winners, but all the winners will get the Medal) 

    Which *Medal are we referring too? Now unless someone changed the english language, it has been understood that both 2nd & 3rd Place, constitute a *Winning Position in a contest. Not necessarily the ideal position, since everyone wants 1st. But, still a *Winning Position. Since *All is used, again no way to know, what or who to give 2nd & 3rd Place to.

    As I have said, we will let our CM handle this. She will have a fair & equitable solution to these *Team Ties.

    Trust this covers it all.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325

    The problem with @rajdeeptb solution is, 7 teams tied, so *All get 1st Place Badge, but who gets 2nd & 3rd Place Badges?

    Ih For This you Need to See My Post On page 23. 👇

    7 teams Got The target 🎯 Till now. 10 Teams Are participating here. 2 teams Will be in second and third Place . only ones team left now.

    That mean 9 teams out of 10 are winner till now.

    Others Team Have one week left to find The Target. If They Will Do this so first time All teams Will be In Winner List. 😁😁..

    Second place and third Place Is Included In Winner List. And who will be in second and third place They will be In profit. They will Find More Gold Bars.

    We have had *Rule Changes before. I am not fond of them, if they are after the contest starts. But, sometimes they are necessary, like in this case, was expecting some ties, but not *7 Teams Tying, & there might be more..

    And If rule Got changed for a tiebreaker Round, So i don't Have any problem. Even I love tiebreakers Round But I have Only One Problem 👇

    it's Not Defined in Rule. That we have to play a tiebreaker Round. Rules Clearly Said That In Case Of Draw All Players Will Win Winner badge and Gb Will Be Shared so Why Now Creating Another New Rule.

    @Miss_Dani @Yosca @LadyRaffie .@Lola_Pop

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,325
    edited April 2021

    but all the winners will get the Medal.

    Medal Referred To Draw position. If first Place Got draw So all players Will Find 1st Medal. As It is Of Second or third Place Got Draw Then All Players will get Second, or third Place Medal and Gold Bars Will Be Shared To All Players.

    Here All Players Referred To Members Of that team Who Got the same score (DRAW)

This discussion has been closed.

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