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Still not getting any special events such as bubblegum hill.

Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

Have asked about lack of special events before. It was suggested I updated and checked memory available. All done still nothing


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 15,813 Soda Moderator

    Hello and welcome to the Community @Stiglet I am sorry to hear you miss some events. Bubblegum Hill isn’t around right now, because there is another event: Springtime Mystery, which I don’t have either in my game. To see special events/features your device needs to have at least 2 GB free storage memory for the game.

    Do you have Teams and Mr. Toffee’s Fair in your game? Some features are still in testing phase and that means it’ll be rolled out slowly to more players.

    All we can advise is log out of the game, clear cache, power off your device for at least 1 minute, restart device, check for updates game and device and log back into the game. I really hope you’ll see some events/features 🙂

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Thanks for your answe r. Have done as you have suggested and now waiting to see what happens. Nothing so far

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Has said something about springtime mystery but not getting it to play

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newbie

    Hello @Stiglet if you haven’t had any special events for awhile, then there are 2 options (that I see) play level and wait for events OR start over level 1 with new profile. I myself waited for special events on my game for over 8-9 months before I got some events to play.

    if you choose option 1, keep login/logout and clear cache often.

    Good Luck 😉

  • Stiglet
    Stiglet Posts: 6 Level 2

    Wait months to get special levels. How crazy is that. Seriously think I might just delete this game.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?