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People in the races

msg4869 Posts: 24 Level 2

How are the Race people selected? They are not even the same level? So what determans this?

Best Answers

  • Nix66
    Nix66 Posts: 19,877 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    Welcome to our Sodalicious Community @msg4869!

    Normally the players we compete against in the Weekly Race are randomly selected by King.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @msg4869 !🤗

    @Nix66 is right, players are randomly selected by King but if it helps, Soda game usually tries to match you with other players who had performances similar to yours in order to make the race as balanced as possible. this is why you'll probably see players racing with you who are currently not in the same level as you are but they're ahead already🙂

    Read what community manager said about episode races:

    All of your matches are against real people.

    The reason that you might feel that you’re playing against a bot is that you’re not actually playing exactly in real-time against other players - there’s a slight delay. This is because our system needs some time to see if the level was difficult to pass for the player, how long it took, etc. So when you are playing the Episode Race, what you are seeing is what other real players did in the same levels, earlier that day or maybe a few days before.

    Why the Studio do this? So they can categorize your gameplay performance and pair you with players that had similar performances, therefore your are placed in races adjusted to your level. Imagine, for example, a player took quite a while to finish a level, we don’t want to put him or her against somebody who finished it in no time at all! It wouldn’t be lots of fun for anybody if the most advanced players were paired with players who take their time a bit more, either

    Read the full message here


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @msg4869 !🤗

    @Nix66 is right, players are randomly selected by King but if it helps, Soda game usually tries to match you with other players who had performances similar to yours in order to make the race as balanced as possible. this is why you'll probably see players racing with you who are currently not in the same level as you are but they're ahead already🙂

    Read what community manager said about episode races:

    All of your matches are against real people.

    The reason that you might feel that you’re playing against a bot is that you’re not actually playing exactly in real-time against other players - there’s a slight delay. This is because our system needs some time to see if the level was difficult to pass for the player, how long it took, etc. So when you are playing the Episode Race, what you are seeing is what other real players did in the same levels, earlier that day or maybe a few days before.

    Why the Studio do this? So they can categorize your gameplay performance and pair you with players that had similar performances, therefore your are placed in races adjusted to your level. Imagine, for example, a player took quite a while to finish a level, we don’t want to put him or her against somebody who finished it in no time at all! It wouldn’t be lots of fun for anybody if the most advanced players were paired with players who take their time a bit more, either

    Read the full message here

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