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My daily bonus don't go anymore. And my quests are on 96 hours. Can you plese fix this. Thank you.

sandra009 Posts: 4 Newbie
My daily bonus don't go anymore. And my quests are on 96 hours. Can you plese fix this. Thank you.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,286 Candy Moderator
    Hello @sandra009,

    A Warm Welcome to the King Community, where you can seek Answers / Suggestions from your fellow players in any King Games' Sections :)

    You have posted about 2 issues... with regards to "Daily Bonus", can you please explain more?  What do you mean by "It doesn't go anymore"?  
    With regards to "Quests for 96 hours" --  Did you change the time on your device lately?  If so, that could trigger this issue.  If that is not the case, we do not know why it is occurring for some players!  As it is coming up randomly!!

    There is no specific fix for this as it more of a device connected rather than a game issue!!  Only thing you can do to fix it is to Re-install the Game app.  But, please remember that if you choose to do it, you will be loosing all your saved up boosters.  

    ** TO write back, please reply back with tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below and tag me with @ and my name (without space), just like how I wrote your name above =)

    All the Best & have a nice day/evening :+1:
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,286 Candy Moderator
    Hello @sandra009,

    Thank you for giving me needed details,  I did not have any difficulty understanding your English =)  But, just want to make sure about the issue before giving any suggestions :+1:

    Did you not receive any Daily Bonus today (Monday) also?  The King has Reset the "Daily Calendar" for everybody.  Most players have not received the Bonus on that day, but from next day on-wards, we are getting it. 

    With regards to to 96 hours Quests, if you wish you can Re-install the game.  That might fix the issue.  But, please remember that you will loose all your boosters and lives sent by your friends.

    Can you please write back which device you are using?  Are you playing the game through Facebook OR Kingdom account?   What is your game user ID?  Here is a link to find it  --

    ** TO write those details, please click on "Type your Comment" box located below and write down the details I have asked.
    Talk to you later!  Have a nice day/evening :+1: 
  • sandra009
    sandra009 Posts: 4 Newbie
    thanks for the answers
    i play the game on facebook
    i did not found my id with your manual.
    my user name is sandra steiner on facebook. If that helps you?

    i wish you a nice evening

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,286 Candy Moderator
    Hello @sandra009,

    I understood why you could not find your ID.  It must be because you are logged into the game through Facebook.  I just tried it and no success!!  It's OK!  Try this instead....

    Open Facebook account on your Computer --->  Click on "The Down Arrow" & select "Settings --->  Select "Apps & Websites" from the List in left hand side  ---> Go to the "Candy Soda" game and click on "View & Edit" ---> Scroll down to "Get Help using Candy Crush Soda Saga" --- you can see your User ID there :+1:

    This will work!  Write down the Game ID, and I will check back soon =)

    All the Best & have a nice day/evening!  

  • sandra009
    sandra009 Posts: 4 Newbie
    my id: 1310049673
    i have the problem with the daily bonus only on my ipad.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    Hi @sandra009, thank you for coming back here with your user ID #.  I don't think that our Superstar @Pummy_Raj got a notification that you replied back.  Have you been getting the daily bonus again since you wrote this last message?

    If not, the only way that seems to be working at the moment is to uninstall the game and reinstall it again; however, I do have to warn you that you will lose all lives and boosters if you do uninstall. 
  • sandra009
    sandra009 Posts: 4 Newbie
    Hi, it is now ok!
    thanks to all to fix this😊
    bye bye

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