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aniwells said:Hi Xarly, This is not a personal comment, as I've no idea who you are or what your motivations are. I've read the few and far between responses you've posted since I've become involved with protesting the huge and upsetting changes King has made to CCS, and I'm sorry but you nor any other reps I know of from the company have addressed a darned thing thousands of us are complaining about. I haven't a clue what the :soda squad " is but if it's my Toffee Freak Team(s) I certainly have tried it and have had the same problems everyone else I've read is having. The team has consistently stopped me from completing the quests, almost as much as King has by creating tasks only filled by buying boosters. Does it make sense to buy 4 boosts only to win 1? I agree there's no need to get rude with others but the point is we are so frustrated and disappointed that we aren't being heard that the anger is coming out in the only way you give us....with our words..... which we feel more surely each day are being ignored. Mr. Toffee is an imaginary animated drawing and if Anne calls him stupid it has nothing to do with someone else's nephew with disabilities, it has to do with you all not listening to your very devoted customer base. I've read no less than a couple of hundred real complaints about why we miss the game as it was, and mostly they reflect the same way I feel. We are not a bunch of whiners that just like to spend our time writing detailed bitches, we're trying to tell you how truly horrible we feel over these changes and why we feel that way. Do you really think when the "glitches" get fixed it is going to change what you are hearing? No one is asking King to fix Mr. Toffee's kinks, We want the old quests back that each of us individually enjoy chasing after for crazy amounts of hours, and we are telling King in no uncertain terms that the changes have taken away our fun and our reasons for playing so faithfully. ANd we are soooo addicted that hundreds and hundreds of players are begging King to give us back what we loved, that we do not love the game now. So is someone ever going to address your player base and say what the plan is for real??? Explain the reasons and then sell the ideas one way or another, and stop spewing B.S. about how the studio is busy perfecting and adjusting and that you appreciate our input, BUT..... Again please know this is not about you personally but I hate the thought of reading another of your meaningless, answerless posts about exciting things to come which never even touch on our comments, and then end with that happy, perky "CHEERS". If you are supposed to be the community advocate then try to get someone to hear us and address our concerns. Please also communicate with management that as a former journalist I really think this would make a great and surprising human interest story. "Candy Crush Fanatics Revolt Against Software Billionaires" would make a catching headline or news tease I guarantee you.
O.K. I have tried my best and spent enough time with all of this silliness over a computer game. You can give my badges to the CFO or whichever sadistic millionaire will enjoy it as a trophy of their greed and success. Good luck to you Xarly, I don't know how you do it.
Andrea Wells
Well said. A good but alas pointless post as Xarly and King don't give a toss what we think. They have dumped on us as customers, and have sucked the joy and fun out of what was an enjoyable game to play. RIP Soda. It was fun, but you were killed off by unloving, non listening, money seeking, anonymous people. We will remember you.Bonbon2 said:aniwells said:Hi Xarly, This is not a personal comment, as I've no idea who you are or what your motivations are. I've read the few and far between responses you've posted since I've become involved with protesting the huge and upsetting changes King has made to CCS, and I'm sorry but you nor any other reps I know of from the company have addressed a darned thing thousands of us are complaining about. I haven't a clue what the :soda squad " is but if it's my Toffee Freak Team(s) I certainly have tried it and have had the same problems everyone else I've read is having. The team has consistently stopped me from completing the quests, almost as much as King has by creating tasks only filled by buying boosters. Does it make sense to buy 4 boosts only to win 1? I agree there's no need to get rude with others but the point is we are so frustrated and disappointed that we aren't being heard that the anger is coming out in the only way you give us....with our words..... which we feel more surely each day are being ignored. Mr. Toffee is an imaginary animated drawing and if Anne calls him stupid it has nothing to do with someone else's nephew with disabilities, it has to do with you all not listening to your very devoted customer base. I've read no less than a couple of hundred real complaints about why we miss the game as it was, and mostly they reflect the same way I feel. We are not a bunch of whiners that just like to spend our time writing detailed bitches, we're trying to tell you how truly horrible we feel over these changes and why we feel that way. Do you really think when the "glitches" get fixed it is going to change what you are hearing? No one is asking King to fix Mr. Toffee's kinks, We want the old quests back that each of us individually enjoy chasing after for crazy amounts of hours, and we are telling King in no uncertain terms that the changes have taken away our fun and our reasons for playing so faithfully. ANd we are soooo addicted that hundreds and hundreds of players are begging King to give us back what we loved, that we do not love the game now. So is someone ever going to address your player base and say what the plan is for real??? Explain the reasons and then sell the ideas one way or another, and stop spewing B.S. about how the studio is busy perfecting and adjusting and that you appreciate our input, BUT..... Again please know this is not about you personally but I hate the thought of reading another of your meaningless, answerless posts about exciting things to come which never even touch on our comments, and then end with that happy, perky "CHEERS". If you are supposed to be the community advocate then try to get someone to hear us and address our concerns. Please also communicate with management that as a former journalist I really think this would make a great and surprising human interest story. "Candy Crush Fanatics Revolt Against Software Billionaires" would make a catching headline or news tease I guarantee you.
O.K. I have tried my best and spent enough time with all of this silliness over a computer game. You can give my badges to the CFO or whichever sadistic millionaire will enjoy it as a trophy of their greed and success. Good luck to you Xarly, I don't know how you do it.
Andrea Wells
Same here, she says she is a journalist and I believe it with that very-well-put-together response.Bonbon2 said:Well said, Aniwells you have put my thoughts into words.
Which part are you referring to so I can try and answer if I know it.Anne_Martin said:@Foley, please tell me why they do that, if you can. I cannot understand.