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What inappropriate language?? Nothing you said is even remotely offensive...NotMrHappy said:I know its just crap now, really really crap!!. Do what I did and uninstall it, shove it in the bloody bin and wave it good chuffing riddance, you will feel happier and Mr Stupid will disappear from your life for good, (bit like quests did as well as the fun of playing this game back in the day, ho hum, nothing good ever lasts I suppose). Last post from me as its pointless waiting for these tossers to listen and act on their customer feedback. Sod em all, (Xarly, feel free to delete my account due to my appropriate language).
Greetings my fellow disgruntled players and to Xarly: Thanks to you all for continuing to post and to Xarly for actually responding with some vaguely pertinent info. I am feeling a glimmer of hope that our continued protests to the soda changes might actually be heard, if we express them with logic instead of just anger, and if our opinions are truly being passed on to the decision makers. Don't know who the "team" actually is but it sounds like they are the programmers and that everything is about development and glitches etc. But as candysodacrusher's last post so clearly pointed out, this is about business management decisions, not programmer skills. There is more than profit and loss considerations here and I sure hope management is hearing that their bottom line is at risk if end user's are so angry they don't want to even associate themselves with King games. It really seems apparent that some genius decided a few changes to the games would get us to blindly buy more boosts and make them a bunch more $$$$. But greed CAN come back and bite you in the ass and customer perceptions are part of the bottom line. I mean this is not like the big pharma and drug costs where people's lives are at risk. We all will survive without Candy Crush and it seems apparent that in this case market share is already at risk. Frankly if it was my company I'd make a big deal out of responding to public opinion, return the game to it's former version, throw in a couple of free striped hammers for finesse and maybe make a few less bucks now but retain market share and actually increase customer loyalty. Hey if they actually read what the community posts they could fire some of their over payed marketing execs and be ahead in the long run!!!
Truly Xarly, I've seen some really intelligent posts right on this board. We are counting on your ability to make sure the correct folks hear us. I thought I was done with posting AND with King games, but now I am wondering if we really can make a difference
First I want to apologize if I am double posting, I've never blogged and not sure how to add versus comment, etc. First, I cannot believe that all the clear and well thought out comments made by obviously devoted fans have not been heeded by the developers. I cannot imagine that this amount of uproar is common to them and how are they not adjusting their greed driven goals to appease us? If you won't give us the quests back at least consider a more subtle change.... maybe a compromise?
If there is one thing that is super clear to me it's that this game's players are individually driven and the idea of making us part of teams the we don't pick is really killing the fun. I just read about the Soda Squad (which I've not gotten) which is another idea of forming anonymous teams to complete tasks. I DON'T wanna be part of other player's differing approaches to playing. I've tried briefly most of King's other games and found Soda to be the most challenging. Maybe these types of changes would better suit another game's players, because at least I can see it doesn't suit us! My latest MTF board is being halted by one player who took a simple square and has done nothing since. I get undone sometimes when I see one of my teammates picking a box that doesn't even work toward completing a line. Our personal satisfactions or game goals that we each chose to pursue now mean nothing, because the developers just want us to buy more crap. I just read a post about someone who had more boosts and bars than I'd ever dreamed of, and that they too now are DEPLETED AND DEFEATED!!!
HELLO out there, isn't anybody listening? If we could just be told what the plans are I think we'd accept it and stop screaming. You see here how your fan base is reacting, now it's your turn to respond.