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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • nothappyjan
    nothappyjan Posts: 27

    Level 3

    Mr. Toffee would be acceptable.. under a few conditions:
    NO TEAM!!!!

    I seem to be constantly in a team with morons.. with totally utterly stupid people that don't know what they are doing.. but at the same time blocking me from making 4 in a row.

    EXclude things like - use a lollypophamer - use a swithchhand...
    If I am not able to EARN any of these.. How in heavens name I am able to finish 4 in a row.
    I don't have lollipops. I don't have striped pops. I don't have switchhands. I could earn them before.. but now it is not possible any more because of stupid people in a Team.

    WHY A TEAM! I DON"T WANT TO PLAY IN A TEAM.. I am on myself.. with myself.. selfish.. narcissistic.. whatever.. but I HATE Teams.. Hate soccer too and that is sports in a Team..
    Now I depend for my boosters on others.. stupid ones that are not able to count to 4 .. don't understand what they are doing..

    Let me make my own 4 in a row... But how.. really tell me HOW do I complete 4 in a row if 1 of the things to complete is use a lollypop or switchhand if you don't have them and now you cannot even get them because of this mr. Toffee thing.

    Unfair.. depending on others (unfortunately the ones in my mr. Toffee team have been utterly "notveryintelligentpeople" not able to get the basic 4 in a row principle)

    So.. I am in a Team that has to work up to 800 points for boosters. But.. time is up at 7hundredsomething. So no boosters. No teamwork. No bonus. No NOTHING for all the trouble I have put into it.

    So.. there is the - you have to play against other members on fast completing levels. Bonus.. 5 goldbars (blehhhh)
    I get a zillion notifications.. *xxx* has surpassed you.. come back to play.
    Do you really think that would trigger me.. NO it is annoying, not fair because you don't know with how many boosters they are playing. So I switched of notifications because of this stupid feature.

    So.. now I Mr. Toffee and I am back in a Team.. Very Very Very.. non cooperitive.. non functional.. blocking the way for 4 team.
    I am not winning anything.. My team is to stupid for it.
    I cannot win anything even playing on my own.. because in this mr Toffee thing I NEED to use things that I don't have and that I can only win.. but I cannot win because of the above.

    Put that together with levels above the 1700ths.. that are not playable any more without boosters you are stuck.
    No (fair) possibility to earn boosters any more..

    It is a big F*uck you to from the makers, the studio.. everybody involved in this game towards the players in my humble opinion.

    I agree, I don't even like this game anymore. Why oh why can't we just have our old quests back? BTW, despite trying fairly hard, the 800 bonus points evaded me and my team (who did score some pretty good point BTW) and we could never have made it to 800. Shame, shame, shame CSS.
  • nothappyjan
    nothappyjan Posts: 27

    Level 3

    The thing is...the prize structure also changed drastically with the switch from the Quests to Mr. Toffee.  Mr. Toffee certainly requires more player interaction in terms of selecting your task and strategizing how to complete a line when blocked by others and being limited to two tasks per day.  
    But, despite being introduced as a way to win prizes faster, I’m now getting a MUCH less worthwhile reward once a week IF I’m lucky as opposed to very much valued rewards, three times a day.  That, in my humble opinion, is not the way to inspire player interaction.

    I usually take one for the team. Play for the coloure
    Xarly said:
    “Interacting with the feature”?  The only way that a player needed to “interact” with the Quests was to claim the prize.  This implies that the “vast majority” of players were leaving their prizes unclaimed.  

    Hey all,

    That is correct. The majority of players were not claiming these or using the feature whatsoever, hence why I say it was underperforming. It's that simple.

    Please, I insist, you all need to follow the house rules in order to use the site. It's just about respect and being mature enough to give feedback without insulting or attempting to incite any lobbying.

    Once more, I will link the House Rules here. And from now on, any comment not following the house rules will not be allowed. There are humans behind this, insulting us is not the way to go.


    All codswallop. I'm going to playstore also to give it a bad review.  And find another game that pleases me.
  • NotMrHappy
    NotMrHappy Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Xarly said:
    Hi everyone,

    As always, I will try my best to clarify your points and to be as transparent and clear as possible:
    @Xarly I have 2 questions that I would appreciate straight and honest answers to. One, why did they take the quests away in the first place, was it just to get us (the players) to spend more money? I know it was said earlier quests were just a feature and features come and go but quests have been a part of soda since it started and have been the only constant. With the disappearance of quests and the lousy rewards of toffee and soda squad, seems to me that it’s all about money. Two, is there any talk of giving the players what they want by returning the quests to all players? I realize soda is a healthy game but without players, there is no game. 
    Quests were taken away because they were underperforming as a feature, and this is a fact. The vast majority of players (and as mentioned many times, soda has many millions of players out there) were not interacting with the feature and it felt like a lost opportunity. Of course, that doesn't mean some (and many of course, given the size of our player base) truly enjoyed the feature. But, again to be honest with you, the reason of reworking it to Mr Toffee's Fair comes from the fact that it wasn't a feature that players were interacting with, hence the rework into a more engaging and interactive feature (that has clearly not yet accomplished those goals). That is the bigger picture reality, although I understand this story might not be the one you have, I just want to be as transparent as it gets as to why this happened.

    The focus is not to have quests return but to improve Mr Toffee's Fair. The team is actually right now working for the end of this week and the beginning of the next one actively on new improvements to the feature. I will be sharing more on that at the end of next week. That's where the focus is at, at the moment.
    Clover_7 said:
    @Xarly I would also like answers to @Jami_Fagala questions. We have been asked to be patient while data is analysed, feedback considered, MTF tested etc - is there a conclusion to this yet?

    For the most part we have been patient, if a little frustrated at times. The results of the testing reaching 75 pages, over several months, are unanimous, this feature isn’t working for the players. We want the individual quests back and the fun returned to the game.
    Hi @Clover_7 ,

    As said above, the decision for now is to improve the current feature. The difficulty was, as mentioned previously, the first of some changes that want to be implemented. I spent some time yesterday with the team behind it and gave them your feedback and the notes on what it is that frustrates you the most, and also what are the positive elements that have been mentioned by the community. With all that feedback, the team is now going to look at it as a whole and will try to improve it in the very near future.

    I understand some of you will not see it this way, but I wish you could understand that behind this game (and all King games) there is a group of humans that care, that play our game, that check this forum but that at the same time have to balance it with making a profitable business out of it, while making sure the fun and excitement is being kept as the main element. There are many initiatives that I'm leading to bring them closer to you and I hope that this helps you all understand better how much they do care and that some very nice initiatives are on the way.

    I'm looking forward to sharing more information and news as soon as improvements and new elements come.

    I hope this helps. As always, keep your feedback coming (in a respectful manner), I will keep reading it and answering when possible.


    What a load of rubbish.. It has taken you since March to dream up this reason for taking away quests, that is so sad.  Why were you not this honest when Mr Toffee was introduced. Why has it take 79 pages and stacks of negative comments before you uttered this speel.  You ruined a once good game for this reason??????.  Laughing my socks off at this one.
  • Alesgrado
    Alesgrado Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Awhat the hell is wrong with this game now?! first ive lost over 3 hours of infinite lifes, and now they wont give me 30 minutes of these fish boosters and some of my first time gold pins are gone, whats next? theyll erase all my progress to begin from 0? because ive also lost the progress of this rainbow path, i was on the last level of it getting the color candy thing and now i log in this morning to find out im on the first level again
  • @Xarly, if you are saying the truth, then adapt MTF. 
    Take away the very inept tasks ("use a striped hammer to win a striped candy" is like give me a dollar to win 5 cents), and the limit of 2 tasks a day.
    The 2 tiles are a bad joke, with your teammates blocking lines, you don't have many possibilities. 
    You want to make it a decent feature? maybe even a good one? Well, stop the "collect 6 stars", or "create 6 black balls". Sometimes, the game just does not want to give it to you. If you already have collected 5, you don't want to let it go, and may be stuck there for days.
    Ah, something else! connect PCs and phones. If I get 5 stars on my phone, and switch to the PC, usually because the phone is empty, the 4 stars I had don't count, I start from zilch. But if I quit and pick up "collect 200 yellow ones", the task, almost done, disappears from the phone. There is a lack of logic here.
    I understand you are caught between a rock and a hard place, but could you sound a bit less merry? We write "we hate it" and you answer "I've heard you, so we will continue just in the same direction and keep you happy". How do you think we feel? 
  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Bricorn said:
    Unfortunately, even after tweaking Mr T - and I do appreciate the changes - it still remains a "team" game. I don't want a team game, and especially with a team that I don't know and can't interact with. 

    Sorry, but the return of the Quests would still be my choice. 

    I agree with everything you said.
  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Ditte said:
      Underperforming? I played more when we had the quests because it took longer to collect for instance 1500 or 4000 blue candies. And 8000 blue, orange and green or what was it 150 stripes, 150 wraps and 50 wrap/stripe combos. That took much longer than getting 2 tiles a day and the prizes were much much better. Or when we were competing with others about making stripes or fish. 

  • PurplePants
    PurplePants Posts: 41

    Level 3

    Xarly said:
    “Interacting with the feature”?  The only way that a player needed to “interact” with the Quests was to claim the prize.  This implies that the “vast majority” of players were leaving their prizes unclaimed.  

    Hey all,

    That is correct. The majority of players were not claiming these or using the feature whatsoever, hence why I say it was underperforming. It's that simple.

    Please, I insist, you all need to follow the house rules in order to use the site. It's just about respect and being mature enough to give feedback without insulting or attempting to incite any lobbying.

    Once more, I will link the House Rules here. And from now on, any comment not following the house rules will not be allowed. There are humans behind this, insulting us is not the way to go.


    So in other words, those of us who were collecting the rewards for the quests are being penalized for those who hadn't collected them....I get it now.

  • ISurvived
    ISurvived Posts: 50

    Level 3

    You know, they are listening. They are listening to us complain for 79 pages about how we hate MTF and want the quests back.

    Their answer? Quests are never coming back and MTF is here to stay. 

    When my kids "listened" like this, they got in trouble. 
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    But there are still players who still have the quests. Very unfairly divided. Then don't give anyone any more quests!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?