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New Feature: Soda Squad



  • Three different squads and three failures to reach the 800 point goal.  Total point count of each squad has gone down each week.  

    Percents of total points from this squad:
    Player 1–52%
    Player 2 — 42%
    Player 3 —3%
    Player 4 — 3%
    Player 5 — 0 points

    I have earned over 300 points each week and I am getting the same rewards (or lack thereof) as players who can’t even collect the one point per day for playing.  Something is wrong with this picture.  

    Not liking this team play.  

  • I've earned around 500 points a week, if not more, to get the reward, as passing new levels is quite hard and requires boosters. If MTF, the squad or BGH (that I dislike too) don't give me some, I'll stop totally. I play less and less, being stopped at new levels in need of boosters I don't have, and having no desire to replay the same level 1000 times. Sad...
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    Seems like I got demoted this time. After having a bad 1st team I was paired with a great team that made it to 800 before the deadline and everyone contributed. We all stayed together but didn't  do as well and only made it to less than 700. 1 person somehow scored over 300 points. I didn't do as well because I have been dealing with hard levels but 1 person this time never showed up. Right now I'm on a team that in 2 days only has 40 points and 2 with 0. It's early but I think they should have just removed the 1 inactive player from the last.
  • Had something weird happen today.  When I first opened the game, I had a message that said a soda squad member had sent me a life.  In the six weeks we’ve had the squad, that is the first time I’ve ever seen that message.  So, I’m wondering if it’s new or if none of my teammates from the three previous squads ever bothered to click that little send lives button.  Also, since I already should have had full lives, I’m not really sure whether or not I received it.  Not a big deal if I didn’t, but just think it’s strange.
    Anyone else ever get that message?
  • Bricorn
    Bricorn Posts: 518
    Had something weird happen today.  When I first opened the game, I had a message that said a soda squad member had sent me a life.  In the six weeks we’ve had the squad, that is the first time I’ve ever seen that message.  So, I’m wondering if it’s new or if none of my teammates from the three previous squads ever bothered to click that little send lives button.  Also, since I already should have had full lives, I’m not really sure whether or not I received it.  Not a big deal if I didn’t, but just think it’s strange.
    Anyone else ever get that message?
    No, but I do click the button every day - what helps them, helps me.
  • @Bricorn said:
    No, but I do click the button every day - what helps them, helps me.
    I also click it daily.  Thinking there’s not much interaction with it on the part of either of our squad mates.😉
  • Clover_7
    Clover_7 Posts: 24

    Level 3

    I’ve had that message a few times @candysodacrusher. It has always been when I’ve first logged in, so already have 30 minutes of lives anyway, so I have no idea if you get them either.
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    Almost every day I get the lives. However it always shows up when I log in and have the 30 minutes free play so can’t use it. When the free play is over I just have 5 lives..
  • Kathy_Shattuck
    Kathy_Shattuck Posts: 45

    Level 3

    I was playing a bunch of the easy beginning levels today just to earn some points for the stupid soda squad and noticed they changed all of the levels. Like they aren't even the same puzzles anymore (I'm familiar because I'll often play levels 1-15 each day real quick to try to help earn points). Anyone else have this happen today? It's  a bummer because there are a few of them I'd play often, like level 8 to complete the MTF squares.
  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    I was playing a bunch of the easy beginning levels today just to earn some points for the stupid soda squad and noticed they changed all of the levels. Like they aren't even the same puzzles anymore (I'm familiar because I'll often play levels 1-15 each day real quick to try to help earn points). Anyone else have this happen today? It's  a bummer because there are a few of them I'd play often, like level 8 to complete the MTF squares.
    I sure did notice this same thing - I also go back to these levels frequently to more easily complete the daily quests.  Every single one is different but I only checked to 25 - I had to find new levels to milk for making wrapped/stripe combos and wrapped candies.  One would think that the studio would be more focused on creating new levels than going back and changing the early ones for no good reason at all whatsoever.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?