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qutsigal Posts: 4 Newbie
What happened to getting the option to watch videos for extra moves?


  • mizzjamie
    mizzjamie Posts: 1 Newbie
    I came here with the same question. It sucks
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 14,322 Community Manager

    Our Game Studios are constantly adapting our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts.

    Before any change is implemented a randomly chosen group of players is selected to trial the feature, and based upon how the change is viewed we then decide whether the change is one we want to adopt or not.

    I understand that you may not appreciate this change, especially if your friends are currently not in the same test group however rest assured that I have passed your feedback onto the Developers.

    I hope you continue to enjoy our games and welcome to our Community by the wayΒ πŸ˜‰

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?